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EMAC 2023 Regional Conference

Influence of Facebook Fan Page Experience with the Nike Brand: An Empirical Study on Young Consumers

Published: November 22, 2023


Pragasen Pillay, University of Cape Town; Romi Adler, University of Cape Town; Leigh Pienaar, University of Cape Town; Dean Swanich, University of Cape Town


Adopting a descriptive research approach, the study explored the relationship between a Facebook fan page experience on the Nike page and the brand loyalty of young consumers aged 18 to 25 years old. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a positive relationship between Facebook fan page experience and brand loyalty, and whether this relationship was influenced by the type of device used to access the Nike Facebook page. Furthermore, brand familiarity was tested for its mediating effects on the relationship. The results of this study demonstrated that there was a moderately strong positive association between Facebook fan page experience and brand loyalty. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the association between Facebook fan page experience and brand loyalty was significantly positive when respondents accessed the Nike page from a smart phone and a laptop or computer. It was also demonstrated that brand familiarity fully mediated the relationship between Facebook fan page experience and brand loyalty.