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EMAC 2023 Regional Conference

The strongest predictors of the country-of-origin effect on the food market

Published: November 22, 2023


Pawel Bryla, University of Lodz


We aimed to identify the strongest predictors of the country-of-origin effect on the food market. The study was carried out in a representative sample of 1000 Polish consumers. In a multiple regression model, the country of origin effect on the food market was significantly affected by the respondents' age, time spent abroad, self-rated health, tradition value according to the Schwartz model, pride in being Polish, CETSCALE index, food attributes such as brand, traditional production method and distance covered by the product, sensory appeal and familiarity as food selection criteria, and knowledge of the brand origin. The strongest predictors were: the importance attached to the traditional method of production, distance to the producer, brand, and the level of consumer ethnocentrism.