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EMAC 2023 Regional Conference

Beyond (Just) Service Encounters: A Value-Centered Approach to Customer Participation

Published: November 22, 2023


Richard BavlsĂ­k, Corvinus University of Budapest


This theoretical paper aims to formulate a unified and value-centered understanding of customer participation (CP) based on an integrative literature review of 184 conceptual and empirical articles. We use the service-dominant (S-D) logic as the main theoretical lens to explore the CP phenomenon across different domains and contexts. We identify a research gap in the existing literature, which lacks an integrated concept of CP and its relation to customer value creation. We argue that customer value is not only utilitarian, but also experiential, contextual, relational, communal, and related to empowerment. Therefore, we define CP as the behavior-based participation of customers in the value co-creation process that goes beyond market transactions. We summarize the main findings and implications of our literature review and propose a value-centered framework for CP research and practice.