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EMAC 2022 Annual

Investigating Control Perceptions in AI-Based Data Disclosure Processes

Published: May 24, 2022


Johanna Zimmermann, University of Passau; Jan Schumann, University of Passau; Thomas Widjaja, Universtity of Passau; Kelly Martin, Colorado State University, USA


Retailers increasingly employ artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate their data disclosure processes and make them more convenient for consumers in terms of saving effort. From their perspective, the automation also vastly diminishes their control over personal data. However, as such AI-based data disclosure services represent a new form of data disclosure processes, they cause forms of loss of control over personal data which differ from those that have been described and studied in prior research. Therefore, this investigation develops a multi-dimensional view on control over personal data to more deeply understand why and how consumers perceive a loss of control in AI-based data disclosure settings; study 1 (N=266) validates our assumption that control has four distinct dimensions. In study 2 (N=190), we find that the dimension control over personal data collection represents the major barrier to adopt AI-based services and should therefore be addressed in research and practice.