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EMAC 2022 Annual

Measuring and triggering price sensitivity of disruptive technologies

Published: May 24, 2022


Anett Erdmann, ESIC University; José Manuel Mas, ESIC University; María de las Mercedes de Obesso Arias, ESIC University; Anhui Hu, ESIC Business & Marketing School


The adoption of disruptive service technologies has found a broad interest in marketing research. The existing studies on planned purchase behaviour of these technologies and price sensitivity are mainly explorative identifying the factors that drive the corresponding behaviour. At the same time, customer-centric direct pricing methods, that allow to capture the created value and serve as reference for price setting, received increasing attention to price new technologies. This study consideres these perspectives jointly. We determine and compare the price sensitivity of a set of disruptive technologies (augmented reality smart glasses, 3D printer, writing robot, self-driven car, hoverboard robot) using the van Westendorp price sensitivity meter and explore how consumers’ perceived acceptable price range is determined by theire beliefs respective behavioural consequences, the perceived ease of use and personal traits.