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EMAC 2022 Annual

Influence of individual cultural orientations on privacy protective responses: the mediating role of concern for privacy breaches

Published: May 24, 2022


Christelle Aubert Hassouni, ESCP Business School; Béatrice Parguel, CNRS; Sandrine Macé, ESCP Business School


Since General Data Protection Regulation entry into force, number of complaints for personal data protection highly vary across countries, leading to question the role of culture in more largely privacy protective responses. Thus, this paper explores cultural orientations at stake, and especially psychological mechanisms between individual cultural values and behavioral privacy protective responses. To do so, we apply construal level theory in an original manner in the case of personal data breaches. We show that certain cultural orientations, as gender-social equality, imply less psychological distance with personal data breaches and favour concrete technical responses, while other orientations, as independence, foster only information privacy concern and favour also social or institutional responses. This research has strong theoretical and managerial contributions, allowing public policies and marketing actions improvements, to protect each online privacy whatever cultural values are.