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EMAC 2024 Annual

New Developments in Advertising Research: Insights from Ad Content, Context, Media Types, and Planning

Published: May 28, 2024


Lisette Kruizinga-de Vries, DVJ Insights; Veronica Burbulea, University of Groningen; Xiongkai Tan, University of Groningen; Hidde Smit, University of Groningen


Ad spending is projected to reach US$1,027 billion in 2023, with the largest part of this going to TV and video ad spending (US$326.20 billion; Statista, 2023). Therefore, knowing how to best design ads and allocate the advertising budget to obtain the largest effects on both customer metrics and behaviour is crucial. This session brings together four papers that provide insights on what brands should do with regard to these advertising decisions. The session thereby examines various elements of ads in different types of media (TV, print, and OOH), and how these affect consumer responses and sales. In addition, it sheds light on how to plan, spend, and schedule advertising on different media types and at which point in time. Taken together, this special sessions provides new and more complete insights into how advertising, based upon different content and context aspects, in different type of media, and for different spending strategies and timings, works. Paper 1. How Brand Mentions in Television Advertising Affect Consumer Attention, Recall and Evaluation. - Mark Vroegrijk and Lisette Kruizinga – de Vries. This paper examines how explicitly mentioning the brand can help a TV commercial to score better on brand recall, thereby also accounting for the fact that consumers skip commercials prematurely, when encountering brand mentions. Finally, it is also examined how brand mentions affect evaluation of the ads. A simulation with different scenarios illustrates the results. Paper 2. Out-of-Home Advertising: Content or Context? - Veronica Burbulea, Tammo H.A. Bijmolt, and Maarten J. Gijsenberg, This study examines the core message and the design of OOH ads and how these affect consumer responses. For OOH ads it is crucial where to place the ad, as a location conceptually congruent with the ad’s message may facilitate the message processing. Thus, this paper also examines how ad content and design congruency with the ad’s context moderate these effects. Paper 3. Consistently Standing Out: The Impact of Advertising Creativity and Consistency - Xiongkai Tan, Evert de Haan, Jochen Hartmann, and Jaap E. Wieringa This study explores the roles of creativity and consistency in advertising. We use deep learning approach to analyse scanned images of print ads and construct measures for creativity and consistency. Furthermore, we show how creativity and consistency impact advertising effectiveness and sales. Paper 4. Integrated Advertising Mix Planning to Grow Mind-set Metrics and Sales. - Hidde Smit, Maarten J. Gijsenberg, and Tammo H.A. Bijmolt This study provides an integrated understanding of advertising mix planning by simulating different counterfactual advertising scenarios. Four key elements are altered in the scenarios for both high and low market share brands: 1) allocation to online/offline, 2) timing, 3) spending, and 4) maintenance levels. We decompose the importance of these choices on both long-term brand-building and short-term sales KPIs.