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EMAC 2024 Annual

Measuring Gender Stereotypes Using Readability Indexes On Advertising Ad Copy

Published: May 28, 2024


Andres Veloso, University of Sao Paulo; Sofia Ferraz, FGV-EAESP; Guilherme Shiraishi, Universidade de São Paulo; Vitor Nogami, Universidade Estadual de Maringá


Abstract: Gender stereotypes can have negative influences on audiences, especially when considering children. In this study, we argue that professionals who create advertising ad copy - words used in advertisements - are influenced by biased views of gender. We collected 405 toy ads and transcribed the advertising copy, using readability indexes (Automatic Readability, Coleman Liau, Gunning Fog) to compare the level of advertising copy complexity for ads directed to girls, boys, and mixed audiences. Our findings showed that boys' ads were more complex than ads for girls, and ads aimed at both genders presented slightly mixed results but leaned towards being more complex than those for boys. The results suggest that advertising agencies are patronizing female audiences by producing ads that are less complex, despite several studies demonstrating that girls develop earlier than boys. These findings underscore the need for toy companies to be more mindful of the complexity of their ads and their impact. The study sheds light on the role of gender stereotypes in advertising and provides insights into how toy companies can create more inclusive and representative ads.