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EMAC 2023 Regional Conference

Climate Change Risk Perceptions in a VBN Model to Predict Intentions to Buy Cosmetics and Detergents Containing Recycled CO2

Published: November 22, 2023


Antonia Delistavrou, International Hellenic University; Irene Tilikidou, Department of Organisations Management, Marketing and Tourism, International Hellenic University


The modified by Risk Perception theoretical model of VBN was found to reveal 57.1% of the variance in Consumption Intentions regarding cosmetics and detergents that are going to contain chemical ingredients made by recycled CO2. Just Biospheric Values were found to influence Risk Perception. Risk Perception contributed to the examination significantly as its impact on Awareness of Consequences was found to be the strongest of all in the sequential chain of the VBN relationships. Media Influence and Scepticism failed to moderate the relationship between Personal Norms and Consumption Intentions. Nonetheless, Media Influence was found able to moderate the relationship between Biospheric Values and Risk Perception increasing to 62.1% the variance explained. Scepticism was found to moderate both the relationships between Awareness of Consequences to Ascription of Responsibility and Ascription of Responsibility to Personal Norms increasing the variance explained to 69.3%.