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EMAC 2021 Regional Conference

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A Mechanism Underlying the Relationship between Vulnerabilities and Future Consumption Regulation (R2021-104590)
Elif Karaosmanoglu, Istanbul Technical University; Mehmet Okan, Artvin Coruh University; Didem Isiksal, Istanbul Technical University; NESENUR ALTINIGNE, ISTANBUL BILGI UNIVERSITY; Elif ?demen, Istanbul Technical University; Ozge Demir, Istanbul Technical University
A quasi-experimental research to assess the effectiveness of a Social Marketing intervention to fight the prejudice towards boys who dance (R2021-104334)
Ana Silva, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave; Elisabete Sá, University of Minho; José Pinho, Universidade do Minho
Acceptance of Mobile Wallets in Mobile Commerce – an Empirical Study based on Austrian Generation Y (R2021-104599)
Elisabeth Sparber, FHWN - Campus Wieselburg; Michael Hollaus, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg; Robert Fina, Austrian Marketing University of Applied Sciences, Campus Wieselburg der Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt GmbH
Adoption of virtual dressing room technologies (R2021-104385)
Amir Heiman, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem; David Zilberman, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley, USA; Thomas Reardon, Michigan State University
Aggregated Customer Experience Scale: Item Development and Scale Purification (R2021-104377)
Ozge Demir, Istanbul Technical University; Elif Karaosmanoglu, Istanbul Technical University; Nimet Uray, Kadir Has University
Analyzing drivers of digital home video success (R2021-104310)
Nicolas Weber, University of Leipzig; Andre Marchand, Leipzig University; Reinhard Kunz, University of Cologne, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Media and Technology Management
Are self-confident consumers more or less relationship prone? Evidence from two research contexts (R2021-104359)
Ksenia Golovacheva, Saint Petersburg State University, Graduate School of Management; Maria Smirnova, Saint Petersburg State University, Graduate School of Management
Brand-engaged but not materialistic: The role of brand engagement and materialism in experiencing positive product-evoked emotions (R2021-104248)
Wiktor Razmus, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; Magdalena Razmus, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
Comparison of methods for generating sensory vocabulary for further use in CATA studies with consumers (R2021-104317)
Kathrin Heim, University of Applied Sciences, Campus Wieselburg of Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt GmbH; Roswitha Enzelberger, Fachhochschule Wr. Neustadt GmbH, Campus Wieselburg; Robert Fina, Austrian Marketing University of Applied Sciences, Campus Wieselburg der Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt GmbH; Alexander Höftberger, Fachhochschule Wr. Neustadt GmbH, Campus Wieselburg; Thomas Poscher, Austrian Marketing University of Applied Sciences, Campus Wieselburg der FH Wiener Neustadt GmbH
Consumer preferences in the commercial real estate market in Russia (R2021-104583)
Yana Katkova, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Consumer Xenocentrism and “Irrational” Consumer Behavior (R2021-104097)
Adamantios Diamantopoulos , University of Vienna; Amonrat Thoumrungroje, Assumption University; Nathalie Scherer, University of Vienna
Defining Commercial Sharing Services Users Interests in the context of Emerging Markets: Digital Footprint Analysis Approach (R2021-104593)
Eduard Tunkevichus, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Vera Rebiazina, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Digital marketing tools fostering SMEs internationalization and foreign market development (R2021-104249)
Andrea Runfola, Associate Professor, University of Perugia, Department of Economics; Yuliia Kyrdoda, PhD Student, University of Perugia, Department of Economics; Matilde Milanesi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Florence, Department of Economics and Business
Digital Natives under the Microscope: Social Media Entrepreneurial Intention and Capacity (R2021-104363)
Stavros Papakonstantinidis, Central College, Pella, IA; Piotr Kwiatek, American University of the Middle East
Digital technology in the retail environment & consumer emotions (R2021-104561)
Sofia Kousi, Nova School of Business and Economics; Gaetano Naselli, Nova SBE
Dimensions of Value Based Selling: The impact on company performance (R2021-104572)
Poul von Wowern, VIA University College; Piotr Kwiatek, American University of the Middle East
Do marketing communications of local food on the points of sale work? Insights from Serbia (R2021-104287)
Jelena Filipovic, Faculty of Economics - University of Belgrade
Does propensity to co-create value affect customer engagement? Case study of the banking industry in Poland (R2021-104597)
Przemys?aw Tomczyk, Kozminski University; Sanchayan Sengupta, ESCCA School of Management
Does the type of a Third - Party Organization (TPO) endorsement impacts consumer product quality perception and purchase intent? (R2021-104589)
Jolanta Tkaczyk, Kozminski University; Aleksandra ?wieboda, Kozminski University; Marcin Awdziej, Kozminski University; Dagmara Plata-Alf, Kozminski University
Drivers of consumers' purchase intentions on online food delivery platforms in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic (R2021-104373)
Kanthicha Boonyabaramee, Mainz University of Applied Sciences; Isabelle Hillebrandt, Mainz University of Applied Sciences
Drivers of engagement on LinkedIn: uncovering the role of employees as spokespersons (R2021-104374)
Areti Krepapa, The American College of Greece; Filoumena Zlatanou, The American College of Greece
Dynamic Capabilities, Market-Driving Approach and Transformational Leadership: A Qualitative Study (R2021-104371)
Jan Wegert, Prague University of Economics and Business
Effect of Consumer Self-Discrepancy on Materialism and Impulsive Buying: The Role of Subjective Well-Being (R2021-104384)
Beata Šeinauskien?, Kaunas University of Technology; Linas Pupelis, Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business
Saeid Vafainia, ESCP Business School; Els Breugelmans, KU Leuven; Tammo Bijmolt, University of Groningen
Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation of the Polish and Finnish small manufacturers functioning during the pandemic (R2021-104145)
Izabela Kowalik, Warsaw School of Economics; Lidia Danik, Warsaw School of Economics; Agnieszka Ple?niak, Warsaw School of Economics
Factors affecting consumers’ attitude and intentions towards online events during the COVID-19 pandemic (R2021-104591)
Mihai Orzan, Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Otilia Platon, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Marketing Faculty; Zara Adina, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Marketing Faculty; David Florin Ciocodeica, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Marketing Faculty
How Japanese Food Quality Influences Attitudes of Foreign Consumers (R2021-104594)
Saeran Doh, Miyagi University
I thought we were one? When consumer-brand identification cultivates shame (R2021-104342)
Wolfgang Weitzl, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria; Robert Zimmermann, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria; Gabriele Obermeier, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on customer loyalty factors in the Russian e-commerce market (R2021-104585)
Mehran Haddadi, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Vera Rebiazina, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Increasing store loyalty toward m-payment at retailer’s POS (R2021-104560)
Mónika Alt, Babe?-Bolyai University; Agardi Irma, Corvinus University of Budapest
Influence of haptic feedback on the perception of product placement in a Virtual Reality simulation (R2021-104586)
Marcin Awdziej, Kozminski University; Filip Grudzewski, Kozminski University; Jolanta Tkaczyk, Kozminski University
Innovation cooperation partners as drivers of technological innovation and exporting. Multi-country study (R2021-104364)
Maja Szymura-Tyc, University of Economics in Katowice; Ma?gorzata Lewandowska, Warsaw School of Economics; Tomasz Go??biowski, Warsaw School of Economics; Ma?gorzata Rószkiewicz, Warsaw School of Economics
Internal branding in the digital age – the promise of employee-driven virtual brand ambassador communities (e-VBAC) (R2021-104340)
Atul Prashar, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow; Moutusy Maity, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
Is it only about Partners and Servants? A qualitative study about positive Smart Speaker social roles. (R2021-104571)
Ilaria Querci, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Bliss - Digital Impact Lab, Department of Management; Luigi Monsurrò, Sapienza University of Rome
Loss Aversion and COO Effects: Experimental Evidence (R2021-104148)
Franziska Bretthauer, Universität Wien; Adamantios Diamantopoulos , University of Vienna
Love is in the air! – What creates strong bonds between voice assistants and their users. (R2021-103156)
Nataliia Lukacs, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen; Martin Haupt, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen; Stefanie Wannow, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
Marketing response of fashion brands to COVID-19 pandemic (R2021-104367)
Katarzyna Bachnik, Hult International Business School
Mazovia brand awareness in the corporate customers group – implications for the local authorities (R2021-104251)
Katarzyna M?otkowska, Warsaw School of Economics; Izabela Kowalik, Warsaw School of Economics
Me, My Wearable and I: Exploring the relationship between young consumers and their self-tracking (R2021-104576)
Panayiota Alevizou, University of Sheffield; Nina Michaelidou, Loughborough University; Ruby Appiah-Campbell, Loughborough University
Mining top managers’ personality traits from Twitter (R2021-104598)
Giovanni Visentin, ESCP Business School; Fabrizio Zerbini, SDA Bocconi; Sandrine Macé, ESCP Business School
Modelling the Willingness to Disclose Personal Data in Registration to Online Store on the Basis of Social Exchange Theory (R2021-104285)
Ignas Zimaitis, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Sigitas Urbonavicius, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Vaida Kaduskeviciute, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University
Not all Crises are Alike: Comparing and Contrasting Retail Consumers during a Pandemic Lockdown Versus Consumers hit by Economic Recession (R2021-104587)
MARKOS TSOGAS, University of Piraeus; Evi Chatzopoulou, University of Patras
Online Patronage: Primer, Systematic Literature Review, and Conceptualization (R2021-104582)
Benjamin Klink, University of St.Gallen; Thomas Rudolph, University of St. Gallen, Institute of Retail Management
Online Reviews and Generation Z's Hotel Choice: Evidence from an Eye-Tracking Study (R2021-104574)
Inga Piont, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Alexander Pakhalov, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Plaid, Plus, or PDK? Naming Product Features in Car Configurators (R2021-104316)
Johanna Hasenmaile-Aspin, Universität St.Gallen
Prefer Linear or Crooked? A Spatial Perception Perspective. (R2021-104584)
Sakshi Aggarwal, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore, India; Sanjeev Tripathi, Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India; Sudipta Mandal, Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India
Product Innovativeness: Systematic Literature Review and Proposal of a Multidimensional Construct (R2021-102890)
Viktoria Mayr, TU Eindhoven; Jan Millemann, TU Eindhoven
Quality of academic research on marketing in Poland (R2021-102499)
Malgorzata Karpinska-Krakowiak, University of Lodz; Edyta Rudawska, University of Szczecin; Barbara Mróz-Gorgo?, Wroc?aw University of Economics and Business; ?ukasz Skowron, Lublin University of Technology
Ready to act and app for sustainable food behaviours? A study of the attitudes of Polish consumers (R2021-104570)
Anna Rogala, Pozna? University of Economics and Business; Renata Nestorowicz, Pozna? University of Economics and Business; Ewa Jerzyk, Pozna? University of Economics and Business
Revenue management practices in peer-to-peer accommodation: a case of Airbnb (R2021-104321)
EWA KICZMACHOWSKA, Kozminski University Warsaw
Risk Perception and Risk Behavior in Response to Service Robot Anthropomorphism in Banking: Effects and Individual Differences (R2021-104435)
Martin Aubel, ISM University of Management and Economics; Indre Pikturniene, NONE; Yannick Joye, ISM: University of Management and Economics
Selected predictors of consumer ethnocentrism on the food market (R2021-104270)
Pawel Bryla, University of Lodz
Status report on application of SEM methodology in Hungarian management journals (R2021-104588)
Ildikó Kemény, Corvinus University of Budapest; Zsuzsanna Kun, Corvinus University of Budapest; Kulhavi Nikoletta Márta, Corvinus University of Budapest
Olga Konnikova, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics; Anastasia Klataevskaya, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics; Oxana Yuldasheva, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics
The failure of COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A psychological reactance theoretical perspective (R2021-102763)
Camilla Barbarossa, Toulouse Business School; Michela Patrizi, Sapienza University of Rome; Maria Vernuccio, Sapienza University of Rome; Maria Carmen Di Poce, Sapienza University of Rome; Alberto Pastore, Sapienza University of Rome
The Influence of Materialism on Consumption Values: A Case of Luxury Goods (R2021-104106)
kedwadee Sombultawee, Thammasat University
The perception of sustainability initiatives of a fast fashion company among young adults (R2021-104311)
Katja Kobilšek, University of Ljubljana; Mateja Kos Koklic, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
The role of positive and negative emotions in the value formation process: an analysis of problematic social interactions in the social media context (R2021-102612)
Moreno Frau, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Marketing, Department of Marketing Management; Przemys?aw Tomczyk, Kozminski University; Luca Frigau, Università degli studi di Cagliari
The role of pricing capabilities and pricing methods for SMEs’ export venture performance (R2021-104336)
Mateja Bodlaj, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; Barbara ?ater, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; Maja Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, University of Sarajevo
Tik Tok hashtag challenge: a new digital strategy for Consumer Brand Engagement (CBE) (R2021-104352)
Martina Toni, Roma Tre University; Giovanni Mattia, Roma Tre University
Towards an integrated model of an ecosystem value proposition based on selling solutions in the post-COVID-19 digital economy (R2021-104580)
Anton Georgievsky, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Trust and Loyalty Drivers in Online Subscription Services (R2021-104291)
Matej Kova?, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business; Vesna Zabkar, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana
User Behavior on Social Networking Sites: Voluntary vs. Mandated Entry (R2021-104529)
Ratika Gore, S P Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai; Moutusy Maity, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
Using Automated Facial Expression Analysis to Explore How Emotions Affect Tourists’ Behavioral Intentions in Times of Crisis (R2021-104362)
Lorena Gomez-Diaz, University of Vienna ; David Bourdin, FHWien der WKW; Ilona Pezenka, FHWien der WKW University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication
Value Dimensions of Augmented Reality (R2021-104202)
Carsten Schultz, University of Hagen
Virtual Trade Fairs - here to stay? – antecedents and effect of virtual trade fair implementation and learnings for a hybrid future (R2021-104333)
Thomas Bauer, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Ravensburg; Timo Kargus, Cloudfest
Willingness to Disclose Personal Data in Online Shopping as a Case of Reciprocal Social Exchange (R2021-104265)
Mindaugas Degutis, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Sigitas Urbonavicius, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Vatroslav Skare, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business
Young adults as part of sustainable household: moderating role of descriptive and injunctive parental norms (R2021-104239)
Marija Uzelac, Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb; Andrea Lu?i?, Faculty of Economics and Business