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EMAC 2022 Regional Conference

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Advancing the understanding of customer needs in fashion retailing: A jobs-to-be-done perspective (R2022-111788)
Franziska Kullak, University of Bayreuth; Daniel Baier, University of Bayreuth, Germany; Herbert Woratschek, University of Bayreuth
An empirical investigation into the influence of emotional intelligence on consumer behavior (R2022-111746)
Altani Panagiotopoulou, Athens University of Economics and Business; Paraskevas Argouslidis, Athens University of Economics and Business
An investigation on customer loyalty in the retail banking market (R2022-111765)
Yingkui Yang, University of Southern Denmark; Jan Jensen, University of Southern Denmark
Analysis of the factors influencing the tourism experience value co-creation under the COVID-19 (R2022-111836)
Junfeng Wang, Autonomous University of Barcelona; Vera Butkouskaya, HSE University; Yang Zesheng, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Anticonsumers and Treasurehunters: Can online sustainable fashion challenges shift consumer behaviour? (R2022-111830)
JULIANNA FALUDI, CORVINUS UNIVERSITY OF BUDAPEST; Kamilla Székelyné-Füller, Corvinus University of Budapest
Artificial intelligence application for companies’ social media initiatives’ impact on performance (R2022-111798)
Ineta Žičkutė, Kaunas University of Technology; Justas Salkevicius, Kaunas University of Technology; Viktorija Varani?t?, Kaunas University of Technology; Vaiciukynaite Egle, Kaunas University of Technology
Blockchain technology in food supply chains: views from the practice (R2022-111803)
Ivana Beveridge, University of Houston; Jannis Angelis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
Brand and Price Consciousness in Consumers’ Acceptance of Digital Voice Assistants for Grocery Shopping (R2022-111784)
Carsten Schultz, FernUniversität in Hagen; Philipp Brüggemann, University of Hagen
Venkata Duvvuri, Purdue University; Vaiciukynaite Egle, Kaunas University of Technology
Can food attitudes predict healthier food choice among school-age children? (R2022-111773)
David Skala, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business; Ruzica Brecic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business; Dario Cvenček, University of Washington/ Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences
Communicating customer value of waste management through website content (R2022-111757)
Rūta Repovienė, Vytautas Magnus University; Aušra Pažėraitė, Vytautas Magnus University
Conflict of consumers’ materialistic and green values: causes and consequences (R2022-111747)
Rita Markauskaite, Kaunas University of Technology; Aušra Rūtelionė, Kaunas University of Technology
Consumer Attitudes towards Brand Activism (R2022-111752)
Christos Livas, University of Patras; Marina Kyriakou, University of Piraeus; Konstantina Zisimopoulou, University of Patras
Consumer Motives of Small Luxury Jewelry Consumption Amid Covid-19: A Conceptual Paper (R2022-111730)
Mirna El Shayeb, The German University in Cairo; Marketing Department; Sara El-deeb, German University in Cairo; Raghda El Ebrashi, the German University in Cairo; Jusuf Zeqiri, Associate Professor of Marketing and International Business
Customer Participation: The time is ripe for a theoretically broader understanding (R2022-111768)
Richard Bavlsík, Corvinus University of Budapest
DART Framework Application for Value Co-creation in Sharing Platforms that Operate in Lithuania (R2022-111837)
Asta Svarcaite, Kaunas University of Technology; Agne Gadeikiene, Kaunas University of Technology
Desire and intention for relaxation: the effects of de-stress motivation (R2022-111916)
Rasuole Andruliene, Vilnius University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration; Sigitas Urbonavicius, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University
Do we need a new bibliometric method in marketing? Case study of variables mapping (R2022-111759)
Przemysław Tomczyk, Kozminski University; Dagmara Plata-Alf, Kozminski University; Piotr Kwiatek, Kozminski University
Does sex sell - adverts eye tracking study (R2022-111816)
Kristian Pentus, University of Tartu; Maria Ruusu, University of Tartu; Andres Kuusik, University of Tartu; Kerli Ploom, University of Tartu
Drivers and outcomes of chatbot use in business-to-business setting: An exploratory study (R2022-111769)
Sara Maga, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković"; Mateja Bodlaj, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
Dynamic Pricing Startegies for Discrete Perishable Products (R2022-111831)
Oleg Melnikov, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
E-Commerce Marketing Mix Effects on Online Patronage: A Meta-Analysis (R2022-111770)
Benjamin Klink, University of St.Gallen; Thomas Rudolph, University of St. Gallen, Institute of Retail Management
Effect of a price discount on retail channel switch from physical to digital and vice versa (R2022-111828)
Gedas Kučinskas, ISM University of Management and Economics; Indre Pikturniene, NONE; Indre Radaviciene, Vilnius university
Entrepreneurial Intention Among Young in an Institutional Context (R2022-111839)
Vera Butkouskaya, HSE University; Nestor Salcedo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | ESAN Graduate School of Business
Factors predicting young children’s purchase requests for food (R2022-111774)
Dora Gaćeša, University of Zagreb/Faculty of Economics and Business; Ruzica Brecic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business; Luca Panzone, Newcastle University, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
Gamification types for business needs (R2022-111761)
Arturs Bernovskis, Riga Technical University; Deniss Sceulovs, Riga Technical University
Green Marketing on Social Media: A Qualitative Content Analysis (R2022-111785)
Elnur Nabivi, University of Warsaw
Hi consumers, Let’s Meet in Metaverse - A study To Explore AR/VR -Based Gamification Marketing Activities (R2022-111753)
Dr Vikas Arya, Rabat, Business School, Intrenational University of Rabat, Morocco; rachita sambyal, University Institute of Applied Management Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India; Anshuman Sharma, Department of Marketing, College of Business Administration, Ajman University, Ajman, United Arab Emirates
How does robot gender affect men’s and women’s technological acceptance? (R2022-111748)
Rubén Huertas-Garcia, University of Barcelona – UB; Santiago Forgas-Coll , University of Barcelona; Antonio Andriella, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial CSIC-UPC; Guillem Alenyà , Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial CSIC-UPC
Impact of food processing of organic products on perceived value and behavioural intentions of consumers (R2022-111842)
Ida FARTSI, University of Angers; Gwenaëlle Briand-Decré, LEMNA, University of Nantes; Ivan Dufeu, GRANEM, University of Angers; Gildas Appéré, GRANEM, University of Angers; Muriel Travers, LEMNA, University of Nantes; Rodolphe Vidal, ITAB, Institute of Organic Agriculture and Food
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivational Traits Driving Responsible Consumer Behavior (R2022-111776)
Živilė Kaminskienė, Vilnius University, ISM University of Management and Economics; Justina Gineikiene, Vilnius University
Modeling multi-channel fashion retail adoption of virtual dressing room technologies (R2022-111777)
Amir Heiman, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem; David Zilberman, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley, USA
MOOCs: What impacts learners’ continuance intention, intention to complete or cancel a course? (R2022-111827)
Karina Adomaviciute - Sakalauske, Vilnius University, Marketing department; Vytautas Dikcius, Vilnius University; Ignas Zimaitis, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University
Personal data disclosure and two purchasing behaviours: online buying and webrooming (R2022-111912)
Mindaugas Degutis, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Sigitas Urbonavicius, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Vaida Kaduškevičiūtė, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University
Private Labels, Product Harm Crises, and Cross-Brand Learning (R2022-111696)
Olivier Reimann, ZHAW School of Management and Law; Oliver Thomas, ZHAW School of Management and Law; Gunther Kucza, ZHAW School of Management and Law
Product innovation management in retail: an examination of product innovativeness towards performance and moderating role of commercial environment (R2022-111764)
Indre Brazauskaite, ISM University of Management and Economics; Vilte Auruskeviciene, ISM University of Management and Economics
Relations between Consumer Impulsiveness and Webrooming Behaviour (R2022-111756)
Jurgita Radzevice, KTU/ Kaunas University of Technology/ Academic Centre of Economics, Business and Management, ; Jūratė Banytė, Kaunas University of Technology
Return Policy Leniency Impacting Customers’ Purchase Intention – A Viable Strategy for E-Tailers? (R2022-111790)
David Karl, University of Bamberg; Kilian Vornberger, University of Bamberg; Björn Asdecker, University of Bamberg
Self-(in)congruence and Sustainable Consumption Behavior: the Moderating Role of Social Norms (R2022-111923)
Ligita Zailskaite-Jaste, Kaunas University of Technology; Kristina Paužait?, Kaunas University of Technology; Beata Šeinauskienė, Kaunas University of Technology; Stefano Bonnini, University of Ferrara (Italy); Michela Borghesi, University of Ferrara (Italy)
Self-Other Discrepancies and Risky Choice (R2022-111750)
Arslan JAVED, ESSEC Business School; Ayse ONCULER, Professor, Marketing Department, ESSEC Business School
Social media endorsers and brand stereotypes: the role of endorser-brand fit (R2022-111794)
Ifigeneia Leri, University Of Vienna; Arnd Florack, University of Vienna; Adamantios Diamantopoulos , University of Vienna
Sources of trust in a store and their contribution to willingness to disclose personal data (R2022-111815)
Sigitas Urbonavicius, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Ignas Zimaitis, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Vatroslav Skare, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business
Žaneta Gravelines, Kaunas University of Technology; Jūratė Banytė, Kaunas University of Technology; Agne Gadeikiene, Kaunas University of Technology; Aiste Dovaliene, Kaunas University of Technology
The effect of distraction on visual attention in consumers' decision-making (R2022-111779)
Simona Bažantová, Faculty of Management, Prague University of Economics and Business; Michal Novák, Faculty of Management, Prague University of Economics and Business
The Impact of YouTube Personalization Algorithm of Content on Consumer Behavior in India (R2022-111661)
Richard Beswick, SBS Swiss Business School, Kloten, Zurich; Akshatha Ilangovan, SBS Swiss Business School, Kloten, Zurich
The paradox of sharing: Investigating the effect of scarcity in experiential stores on interpersonal and electronic word-of-mouth (R2022-111760)
Denise Pape, University of Goettingen, Chair of Marketing and Retail Management; Waldemar Toporowski, University of Goettingen
The Proximal Depiction Effect of Indulgent (Versus Non-Indulgent) Foods on Consumer Responses (R2022-111749)
Sumit Malik, Monash University, Malaysia School of Business; Eda Sayin, IE Business School; Kriti Jain, IE Business School, IE University
The role of digital data in the agri-food product development process (R2022-111792)
Moreno Frau, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Marketing, Department of Marketing Management; Tamara Keszey, Corvinus University of Budapest
Gavkhar Turaeva, Corvinus University of Budapest
Trade-offs between materialism and pro-environmental behavior in the light of narcissism (R2022-111783)
Linas Pupelis, Kaunas University of Technology; Beata Šeinauskienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Understanding consumer-based brand equity in the crypto market (R2022-111797)
Achilleas Boukis, University of Birmingham
Understanding consumers' intention to purchase GI cheeses based on the SEM-Logit model (R2022-111754)
Dubravka Užar, University of Novi Sad; Faculty of Agriculture; Jelena Filipovic, Faculty of Economics - University of Belgrade
What is ethics in social media marketing? A systematic literature review (R2022-111772)
Anna Storå, Åbo Akademi University
When Users Meet AI: Customer Acceptance of Recommendation Systems in Online Shopping (R2022-111795)
Vaida Kaduškevičiūtė, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University; Božena Mackevi?i?t?, Vilnius University