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EMAC 2023 Annual

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User Trust in AI Chatbot: A Review and Research Agenda (A2023-114464)
AHMED GEEBREN, Northumbria University
The Scarcity Trap: How Perceptions Of Resource Immutability Reduces Scarcity-Induced Present Bias (A2023-114324)
Ana Carina Castagna, University of Cologne; Diogo Hildebrand, Baruch College, CUNY; Diego Costa Pinto, NOVA Information Management School
What’s the perfect combination? A study of the use of images, people and text in short videos from Instagram and TikTok (A2023-113948)
Itziar Oltra González, University of Valladolid; Carmen Camarero-Izquierdo, University of Valladolid; Rebeca San José Cabezudo, University of Valladolid
"Who is the fairest ?" How to communicate on the price structure to promote the perceived fairness of the price paid to producers and the willingness to pay? (A2023-114400)
Evanguelia Tsiapkolis, iaelyon school of Management, Magellan research lab, university of Lyon; Sonia CAPELLI, University Lyon3, IAE lyon, Magellan, Lyon; William SABADIE, iaelyon School of Management
#WowItsMe – Revisiting Meaning Transfer Model with Own-Face Digital Advertising (A2023-114386)
Janina Krick, EBS University for Business and Law; Franziska Krause, EBS University of Business and Law; Sven Henkel, EBS Universität für Recht und Wirtschaft; Dipayan Biswas, University of South Florida
(Un)intended spillovers of green government policies: The case of plastic bag regulations (A2023-114139)
Stephanie Rizio, University of Groningen; Jenny van Doorn, University of Groningen; Hans Risselada, University of Groningen; Mengfei Ye, University of Groningen
1 Freelance Orientation in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Labor Platforms (A2023-114393)
Avishek Lahiri, University of Stavanger; V. Kumar, St. John's University; Divya Ramachandran, University of Manitoba
A Brand-New Look at the Business Ecosystem – Conceptualizing the B2B Clip-Out Perspective (A2023-113161)
Selina Strobel, Toulouse School of Management; Lars Meyer-Waarden, Toulouse School of Management Research -CNRS University Toulouse 1 Capitole; Marc Kuhn, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart
A Daily Dose of Antipathy. An Investigation of Animosity's Long-term Effects (A2023-112360)
Tinka Krüger, Kiel University; Ipek Nibat Cayrol, Grenoble Ecole de Management & USMB IREGE; Robert Mai, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Olivier Trendel, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Wassili Lasarov, Audencia Business School; Stefan Hoffmann, Kiel University
A Field Experiment on Biases in Food Waste Measurement Methods (A2023-114212)
Sybilla Merian, University of Zurich; Kevin O'Sullivan, ETH Zurich; Sabrina Stöckli, University of Zurich; Claudio Beretta, University of Applied Sciences Zurich; Verena Tiefenbeck, ETH Zurich, Friedrich Alexander University; Nadina Müller, University of Applied Sciences Zurich; Elgar Fleisch, ETH Zurich, University of St.Gallen; Martin Natter, University of Zurich
A Holistic View on Facilitators and Barriers of EHR usage from Different Perspectives: A Qualitative Content Analysis Approach (A2023-114240)
Anna Griesser, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt; Sonja Bidmon, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt
A Review and Comparison of Eating Motivation Scales (A2023-114062)
Liamell Quezada, Siena College; Sukriye Atakan, Siena College
A Seller Perspective on Economic and Non-Economic Satisfaction Elements in Formalising B2B Relationships in Spain (A2023-112342)
Mornay Roberts-Lombard, Department of Marketing Management, University of Johannesburg; Carlos Ferro-Soto, Department of Business Organization and Marketing, University of Vigo, Vigo; Carmen Padin, Department of Applied Economics, University of Vigo, Vigo; Göran Svensson, School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing, Kristiania University College, Oslo; Nils Høgevold, School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing, Kristiania University College, Oslo
A systematic review of dynamic capabilities research in international marketing: Methodology, theory and nomological network (A2023-114026)
Çağla Dayanğan, University of Southampton; Bilge Aykol, Dokuz Eylül University
A Systematic Review of Virtual Influencers: Similarities and Differences between Human and Virtual Influencers in Interactive Advertising (A2023-114054)
Jeonghee Byun, Korea University; Sun joo (Grace) Ahn, University of Georgia
Absolutely unhealthy, relatively healthy - The effect of consumer reference points and loss aversion in evaluating front-of-package nutrition labels (A2023-114090)
David Olk, University of Groningen; Koert van Ittersum, University of Groningen; Tammo Bijmolt, University of Groningen
Acceptability of unsustainable consumption (A2023-113190)
Benedikt Schnurr, TUM School of Management, Technical University of Munich; Georgios Halkias, Copenhagen Business School
Acceptance of virtual reality as a creativity support tool: the role of technology resistance, VR-presence, and VR specific fears (A2023-114050)
Nikolay Slivkin, Toulouse School of Management; Linda Hamdi-Kidar, TBS Business School; Leila Elgaaied-Gambier, TBS Business School
Accounting for J-shape distributions to explain customer ratings (A2023-114340)
Nadine Schröder, WU Wien; Thomas Reutterer, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business; Konstantin Kremslehner, Department of Marketing / Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Adding environmental dimension in corporate social responsibility to restaurants’ customer retention (A2023-114559)
Moreno Frau, Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Marketing, Department of Marketing Management; Mohammadsadegh Omidvar, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University; Vahid Ghasemi, Universidade Europeia
Addressing Endogeneity using a Two-stage Copula Generated Regressor Approach (A2023-114525)
Fan Yang, NEOMA Business School; Yi Qian, University of British Columbia; Hui Xie, Simon Fraser University
Adopt a sheep, if you care. Fostering sustainable consumption through distant adoption (A2023-114082)
diletta acuti, University of Portsmouth; Marta Pizzetti, emLyon Business School
Advising Policy-Makers: Potential Impact of Mandatory Vaccination on Opposition Behavior (A2023-114385)
Matthias Stäudt, EBS University; Sven Henkel, EBS Universität für Recht und Wirtschaft; PASCAL VERMEHREN, EBS UNIVERSITÄT FÜR WIRTSCHAFT UND RECHT GMBH, EBS BUSINESS SCHOOL
Algae as a food ingredient – identification of key target groups (A2023-114222)
Cornelia Felbinger, University of Applied Science, Wr. Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg; Robert Fina, Austrian Marketing University of Applied Sciences, Campus Wieselburg der Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt GmbH; Kathrin Heim, University of Applied Sciences, Campus Wieselburg of Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt GmbH; Andrea Reiterlehner, University of Applied Science, Wr. Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg; Gernot Zweytick, University of Applied Science, Wr. Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg
Algorithm morality: The impact of autonomous vehicles’ accidents on driver responsibilities, guilt, and well-being (A2023-112440)
Thomas Teychenie, TSM-Research, Université Toulouse Capitole, CNRS; Julien Cloarec, iaelyon School of Management, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Magellan; Marc Kuhn, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart; Lars Meyer-Waarden, Toulouse School of Management Research -CNRS University Toulouse 1 Capitole
An exploration of consumers’ negative emotions and short-term coping responses in online environments of brands (A2023-114180)
Anna-Marie Klütz, MSB Muenster School of Business; Carmen-Maria Albrecht, MSB Muenster School of Business
An exploration of the brand crisis mechanism through the psychological contract theory (A2023-113986)
Sophie de Villartay, Université Paris-Saclay Evry; Fabienne Berger-Remy, IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School; Eric Julienne, Université Evry-Paris Saclay; Marie-Eve Laporte, IAE Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Sorbonne Business School), laboratoire GREGOR
An exploratory study of the impact of gender congruence, self-esteem, and type of message in consumers' perception of content produced by digital influencers (A2023-114398)
Fabio Sandes, Universidade Lusófona; Paula Lopes, Universidade Lusófona; Rui Estrela, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (CICANT)
Analysing the relevance of ethical alignment in Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives (A2023-114403)
Alan Mathew Kunnumpuram, Norwegian School of Economics; Magne Supphellen, Norwegian School of Economics
Analyst pressure and market performance: The role of marketing capabilities and R&D investments (A2023-114147)
Gilmar Gazzoni Junior, Federal University of Espirito Santo; MARCELO BRANDAO, Federal University of Espírito Santo; Simone Didonet, UFPR - Federal University of Paraná
Analyzing Successful Language Tactics in Sales Calls (A2023-112984)
Robert Muenster, University of Cologne; Thomas Scholdra, University of Cologne; Werner Reinartz, University of Cologne
Antecedents of Consumer Purchase Intention of Fashion Brands with CSR Initiatives among Generations Y and Z (A2023-112692)
Constanza Bianchi, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez; Katharina Hofer, Johannes Kepler University Linz; Md Abu Saleh, Canberra Business School
Archetypes of Social Media Influencers on YouTube and User Engagement (A2023-114073)
Renato Hübner Barcelos, Université du Québec à Montréal; Ana Cristina Munaro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná PUCPR; Eliane Francisco-Maffezzolli, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba Campus (PUCPR); João Pedro Santos Rodrigues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR); Emerson Cabrera Paraiso, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR)
Are podcasts a good bet for media streaming platforms? Exploring the role of loneliness and subjective well-being in digital media products (A2023-114119)
Daniela Langaro, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa ISCTE-IUL, Businesss Researh Unit (BRU), Lisbon; Miguel Silva, UCP
Giulia Pavone, Kedge Business School
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Autonomy In Streaming Platforms (A2023-113999)
Ana Rita Gonçalves, Nova Information Management School; Diego Costa Pinto, NOVA Information Management School; Saleh Shuqair, University of the Balearic Islands; Anna Mattila, School of Hospitality Management, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Artificial intelligence-assisted sustainable marketing: Contribution and agenda for research (A2023-113935)
Jessie Do, University of Jyväskylä; Outi Uusitalo, University of Jyväskylä; Mika Skippari, University of Jyväskylä; Mitra Salimi, University of Jyväskylä
Assisting Ad Testing with Viewer Emotional Response Prediction: A Guideline and Method Development (A2023-114229)
Yuanyuan Zhu, The University of Western Australia; Paul Harrigan, The University of Western Australia; Kristof Coussement, IESEG School of Management, Univ. Lille, CNRS, UMR 9221 - LEM - Lille Economie Management; Tina Tessitore, IESEG School of Management
At a Distance, All Is Well: The Intertwining Relationship Between System Justification, Psychological Distance, and Environmental Concern (A2023-114299)
Fabian Christandl, Charlotte Fresenius Privatuniversitaet Vienna - Sustainable Innovation Lab.; Anna Jasinenko, HEC Lausanne; Thorben Grubert, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Attitude drives action: Young adults’ money attitudes and its impact on financial literacy (A2023-114402)
Jeandri Robertson, Luleå University of Technology; Caitlin Ferreira, University of Cape Town; Linda Aguirre, Luleå University of Technology
Attribute non-attendance in choice experiment-based latent-class models: The role of self-reported information and visual attributes (A2023-114124)
Nelyda Campos-Requena, Universidad del Desarrollo; Jun Yao, Macquarie University; Harmen Oppewal, Monash University
Augment your brand's reality - The impact of branded augmented reality filters on social media on consumer-based brand equity and purchase intention (A2023-113995)
Denise Pape, University of Goettingen, Chair of Marketing and Retail Management; Waldemar Toporowski, University of Goettingen
Augmented Reality Marketing and Consumer–Brand Relationships: How Closeness Drives Brand Love (A2023-114447)
Philipp Rauschnabel, Digital Marketing and Media Innovation; Verena Hüttl-Maack, University of Hohenheim; Katrin Schein, Reutlingen University; Aaron Ahuvia, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Avatar-mediated Interactions in the Metaverse: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda (A2023-114291)
Yue Peng, King's College London; Shintaro Okazaki, King's College London; Prokriti Mukherji, King's College London
B2B influencer marketing: Typology of influencer profiles, persuasion strategies, and collaboration practices (A2023-114075)
Heini Vanninen, LUT University; Joel Mero, University of Jyväskylä; Joona Keränen, RMIT University
B2B relationships are not perceived equally: a cross-cultural perspective from France, Germany, the UK and Turkey (A2023-114035)
Claire McLaughlin, Toulouse Business School; Yanyan CHEN, Toulouse Business School
Beautiful Strangers: Physical Evaluation of Strangers is influenced by Friendship Expectation (A2023-114215)
Natalia Kononov, Tel Aviv University; Danit Ein-Gar, Tel-Aviv University
Becoming a Transformative Service Mediator: school education, parents, and their children during the COVID-19 pandemic (A2023-114271)
Andres Veloso, University of Sao Paulo; Diogo Hildebrand, Baruch College, CUNY; Sofia Ferraz, FGV-EAESP; Patrícia Artoni, Fia Business School; Guilherme Shiraishi, Universidade de São Paulo
Behavioral Pricing and Innovative Pricing Mechanisms in Purchase Decisions - a Review and Recommendations for Future Research (A2023-114482)
Bastian Werner, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg; Florian Dost, Brandenburg University of Technology
Beyond Immediate Sales-Uplifts: The Cross-Channel Effects of Online-Only Coupons on Online and Offline Purchase Behaviour (A2023-114036)
Christina Reh, Hochschule Luzern; Christian Schlereth, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Anja Lambrecht, London Business School
Biometric analysis during the interaction with an affective computing-based prototype: A first exploratory study using neurophysiological measures. (A2023-113971)
Álvaro Saavedra Montejo, Public University of Navarre; Raquel Chocarro, Public University of Navarre; Monica Cortinas, Public University of Navarre; Natalia Rubio, Autonomous University of Madrid
Body Scan versus Environmental Scan in App and Web Augmented Reality – The Role of Privacy Concerns and Technology Anxiety (A2023-114437)
Carsten Schultz, Kiel University; Harish Kumar, Management development institute, Gurgaon (India); Philipp Brüggemann, FernUniversität in Hagen
Bored Out of Your (Human) Mind: Boredom Makes Us Feel Less Human and Donate Less To Charity (A2023-113408)
Roland Schroll, University of Innsbruck; Lauren Grewal, Dartmouth College; Dhruv Grewal, Babson College
Born with a Nationality Online: The role of country-of-origin in virtual influencer's personal brands (A2023-114253)
Katie Leggett, Anglia Ruskin University; Minna Lammi, Anglia Ruskin University
Brand activism triggers negative moral emotions and shrinks conservative’s moral circle (A2023-114401)
Souha Itani, Toulouse School of Management; Sylvie Borau, Toulouse Business School
Brand Addiction: Modelling Sentiments and Outcome (A2023-114468)
Rituparna Basu, International Management institute, Kolkata; Pooja Sengupta, Indian Institute of Management Ranchi
Brand and Product Deletion in the Global Automobile Industry (A2023-114260)
Purvi Shah, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Huma Varzgani, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Brand Commercialization (A2023-114254)
Vanessa O'Neill, Technische Universität Braunschweig; Christof Backhaus, Edinburgh Napier University Business School; T. Cornwell, Unviersity of Oregon; David Woisetschläger, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Brand Purpose and Sustainability: The Role of Experiential Marketing in Building Brand-Consumer Relationships through Brand Purpose Sustainability Messaging (A2023-114286)
Rose Leahy, Munster Technological University; Pio Fenton, Munster Technological University; Holly Barry, Munster Technological University
Brand to consumer emotional contagion on Facebook brand pages (A2023-113980)
Chedia Dhaoui, The University of New South Wales; Cynthia Webster, Macquarie University; Lay Peng Tan, Macquarie University
Branding in the automotive industry: A systematic literature review and future research agenda (A2023-114315)
Robin Herbert, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE), Umeå University; Galina Biedenbach, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics, Umeå University; Johan Jansson, Umeå University
Pedro Mata, ESIC Business & Marketing School; Tamar Buil, ESIC Business & Marketing School
Can AI Help in Crowdsourcing? A Theory-Based Model for Idea Screening in Crowdsourcing Contests (A2023-113945)
Jason Bell, University of Oxford; Christian Pescher, Universidad de los Andes; Gerard Tellis, University of Southern California; Johann Füller, University of Innsbruck
Can I bug you? Using edible insects as a prime for more sustainable food choice (A2023-113930)
Pernille Videbaek, Department of Management, Aarhus University; Wim Verbeke, Ghent University
Can I still eat this? Using Implicit and Explicit Measures to Explore Consumer Behavior towards Food Products with Date Labels (A2023-112409)
Christina Neubig, Technical University of Munich; Jutta Roosen, Technical University of Munich
Can Prepurchase Word of Mouth Affect Postpurchase Word of Mouth? The Role of Interpersonal Closeness in Online Review Sharing (A2023-113996)
Hung Dao, University of Liverpool; Kshitij Bhoumik, University of Leeds; Reika Igarashi, Edinburgh Napier University
Can social robot’s service quality drive social engagement? (A2023-114071)
Isha Kharub, Western Sydney University; Michael Lwin, Western Sydney University; Omar Mubin, Western Sydney University; Aila Khan, Western Sydney University
Can Sustainable Packaging Boost Brand Experience? The Influence of Sustainability on Sensorial Perceptions and Brand Evaluations (A2023-114275)
Marcia Herter, Advance/CSG, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa; Raquel Soares, Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação (UNIDCOM/IADE); Diego Costa Pinto, NOVA Information Management School; Paola Reik, Universidade Europeia
Can you hear my personality? A conceptualization of a brand voice based on brand personality (A2023-114332)
Olga Bosak, University of Bremen; Maik Eisenbeiss, University of Bremen; Kristina Klein, University of Bremen
Carbon Emission Reductions versus Offsets: Consumer Perceptions of Firm Environmental Sustainability (A2023-113933)
Jakob Utgård, Oslo Metropolitan University; Tarje Gaustad, BI Norwegian Business School
Florian Buehler, Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences; Iina Ikonen, University of Bath
CENOR: a new measure of customer engagement orientation - scale development and invariance across industries (A2023-114012)
Katarzyna Żyminkowska, University of Bielsko-Biala; Izabela Kowalik, Warsaw School of Economics; Agnieszka Pleśniak, Warsaw School of Economics
Changing Luxury Consumption Preferences Among Chinese Young Adults: The Role of Unconventional Brand Collaborations (A2023-114219)
Carlos Diaz Ruiz, Hanken School of Economics; Angela Cruz, Monash University
Channel Implications of a Business-to-Business Shipping Subscription Program (A2023-114234)
Baris Kocaman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Sarah Gelper, University of Luxembourg; Fred Langerak, Eindhoven University of Technology; Tom Van Woensel, Eindhoven University of Technology
Charitable Maximizers: The Impact of the Maximizing Mindset on Donations to Human Causes (A2023-112379)
Jingjing Ma, Peking University; Yu Lin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Danit Ein-Gar, Tel-Aviv University
Choose as Much as You Wish: Freedom cues in the marketplace help consumers feel more satisfied with what they choose and improve customer experience (A2023-114511)
Elena Reutskaja, IESE Business School; Raffaella Misuraca, University of Palermo; Barbara Fasolo, London School Of Economics and Political Science
Choosing More Food for Others (A2023-112340)
Ignazio Ziano, University of Geneva; Peggy Liu, University of Pittsburgh
Choosing vegan feels good, doesn’t it? Effects of gender-congruency cues on vegan-labeled products (A2023-114174)
Fernanda Carneiro-Otto, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; Yasemin Boztug, University of Goettingen
Chronotopic Governance: Governing and Shaping Markets through Grassroot Movements in Space and Time (A2023-114354)
Kanika Meshram, University of Melbourne; Amir Hassanzadegan, University of Melbourne
Cleaning with bacteria, why not? How consumers’ mental abilities influence the evaluation of incongruent products. (A2023-114097)
Nadine Benninger, Technical University of Munich; Steve Hoeffler, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University
Climate change mitigation: The influencing chain of place attachment on pro-environmental behaviour (A2023-114430)
Sonja Bidmon, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt; Fabienne Schmidt, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt
Clustering Consumer Navigation Paths to Identify Visitor Types in the Context of Travel Booking Website (A2023-113982)
Boshuo Guo, the University of Leeds; Catarina Sismeiro, Imperial College Business School
CMO Personality and Corporate Innovation (A2023-113958)
Paul Hilfrich, Goethe University Frankfurt; Simone Wies, Goethe University Frankfurt
Co-creative vs Orthodox Marketing: when organizational power games influence marketing practices (A2023-112339)
carole charbonnel, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Combining firms' and public organizations’ resource interfaces during innovation (A2023-114295)
Ann Clarke, University of Southern Denmark; Majbritt Evald, University of Southern Denmark; Tuija Mainela, University of Oulu; Pauliina Ulkuniemi, University of Oulu, Oulu Business School
Combining Q methodology and survey research to investigate consumers’ varying responses to the pandemic (A2023-113089)
Corinna Hempel, Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Management, Chair of Marketing and Consumer Research
Comparing consumer intention to purchase ethical fashion cross-culturally (A2023-112860)
Andrea Pérez, University of Cantabria; Jesús Collado Agudo, University of Cantabria; Ting Chi LIU, University of Macau, Faculty of Business Administration
Comparing Flagship and Conventional Store effects on Purchase Intention: Insights from Brazil (A2023-114057)
Carlos Lourenco, Fundacao Getulio Vargas; Jullianne Madeira, Fundação Getulio Vargas; Vanessa Santos, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Comparison between two types of product placement on YouTube : the case of a placement that fulfills Internet users’ expectations and a placement that doesn’t fulfill Internet users’ expectations (A2023-112665)
Simon Régnier, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Jean-François Lemoine, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Conceptualising Willingness to Accept Social Robot’s Recommendations (A2023-114135)
Isha Kharub, Western Sydney University; Michael Lwin, Western Sydney University; Omar Mubin, Western Sydney University; Aila Khan, Western Sydney University
Conceptualizing transgression in marketing : a hybridized review and a research agenda for an ontological renewal in seeking alternatives to hegemonies (A2023-114111)
Alicia LEFRANCOIS, CRIISEA - IAE Amiens, Université de Picardie Jules Verne; Sophie Changeur, IAE AMIENS; Sophie Balech, CRIISEA - IAE Amiens, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Consequences of Role Management for B2B Collaboration Initiation (A2023-114049)
Sophie Feldner, Goethe University Frankfurt - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration - Marketing Department; Torsten Bornemann, Goethe University Frankfurt; Dominik Hettich, Goethe University Frankfurt
Consumer Coping Mechanisms and the Paradox of Deceptive Online Consumer Reviews (OCRs) (A2023-114486)
Andrea Wetzler, Toulouse School of Management; Andreas Munzel, Toulouse 1 Capitole University (TSM Research)
Consumer Information Asymmetry in Online Product Reviews (A2023-114020)
Yulia Nevskaya, Washington University in St. Louis
Consumer Responses to City-of-Origin vs. Country-of-Origin Cues: Purchase Probability and Willingness-to-Pay (A2023-112786)
Doris Lehdorfer, University of Vienna; Adamantios Diamantopoulos , University of Vienna
Consumer Responses to FOP Label: The Interplay Between Nutrition Information and Food Consumption Motivations (A2023-114323)
Maija Kantola, University of Vaasa; Maija Paakki, University of Turku; Leena Arjanne, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences; Terhi Junkkari, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences; Anu Hopia, University of Turku; Harri Luomala, University of Vaasa, School of Marketing and Communication
Consumer responses to gender-neutral package design: The role of consumer gender, gender identification, and product category (A2023-112979)
Kristina Nickel, Kiel University; Janneke Blijlevens, RMIT University
Consumer Responses to the Personalization of Marketing Communications: A Meta-Analysis (A2023-114317)
Xia Liu, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Groningen; Tammo Bijmolt, University of Groningen; Marijke Leliveld, University of Groningen; Hong Zhao, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Consumer Trust and Product Choice in Online Marketplace: A Motivated Belief Perspective (A2023-114023)
Yu Lin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Xianchi Dai, CUHK Business School, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Wenjie Tang, University of Vienna
Consumers' (lacking) self-determined motivation to reduce meat consumption (A2023-113918)
Maureen Schulze, Copenhagen Business School; Meike Janssen, Copenhagen Business School
Conveying Sustainability: Product-Related CSR Communication in Social Media (A2023-114193)
Judith Derenthal, Georg-August-University Göttingen; Robert Nickerson, San Francisco State University; Waldemar Toporowski, University of Goettingen
Cooperation or Competition: Conceptualising and Measuring Shared Agency Power in Customer-AI Interactions (A2023-114480)
Benjamin Voyer, ESCP Europe; Marion Sangle-Ferriere, CY Cergy Paris Université; Laszlo Sajtos, University of Auckland; Billy Sung, Curtin University
Corporate Brand Activism: An Exploration of Advertising Polysemy and Online Interpretive Communities (A2023-114192)
Aidan Kelly, University of East London; Hyunsun Yoon, University of Greenwich
Corporate Crisis Communication and Brand Forgiveness: The Role of Brand Attachment (A2023-114267)
René Kerschbaumer, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences; Dietmar Kappel, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences; Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences; Sophie Zorn, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) Reporting – A Content Analysis of Companies‘ CDR Initiative (A2023-114551)
Melanie Bowen, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen; Hai Hana Nguyen, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Corporate Socially Responsible Initiatives and its spillover impact on Consumers’ Adoption of Social and Sustainable Behaviors (A2023-114469)
Rita Coelho do Vale, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Catolica Lisbon- School of Business and Economics; Pedro Verga Matos, Universidade de Lisboa, ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management; Filipa Almeida, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Catolica Lisbon- School of Business and Economics
Creating Personas: A Qualitative Approach to Extract Innovation Perception (A2023-112381)
Gabriele Torma, Aarhus University; Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, Aarhus University
Creating Value Through Remote Activities in Business-to-Business Relationships in the Short-Term and Long-Term (A2023-112737)
Clara Hoffmann, University of Bochum; Holger Jentsch, University of Bochum; Sascha Alavi, University of Bochum; Jan Helge Guba, University of Bochum; Christian Schmitz, University of Bochum; Jan Wieseke, University of Bochum
Creative brief attractiveness shaping creative crowdsourcing contest outcomes: a comparison between “top” and “average” contributors (A2023-114053)
Vellera Cyrielle, Toulouse School of Management; stéphane salgado, Toulouse School of Management - Université Toulouse 1 Capitole; Jean-François Lemoine, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Yannig Roth, Optee
Crises and their impact on consumers’ shopping styles (A2023-114451)
Andrea Gröppel-Klein, Saarland University, Institute for Consumer & Behavioral Research; Kenya-Maria Kirsch, Institute for Consumer and Behavioral Research, Saarland University
Customer activity on platforms – An analysis of the breadth and depth of the assortment (A2023-114328)
Jan Gremmel, Technische Universität Braunschweig; David Woisetschläger, Technische Universität Braunschweig; Barbara Seegebarth, Hochschule RheimMain; Tobias Heußler, Wiesbaden Business School
Customer Education in the Digital Age: Intended and Unintended Effects (A2023-113435)
Benjamin von Walter, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences; Bruno Jäger, OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences; Christian Heumann, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences; Dietmar Kremmel, FHS St.Gallen University of Applied Sciences
Customer Misbehavior in the Peer-to-Peer Sharing Economy: The Mixed Role of Face-to-Face Interactions (A2023-114150)
Edna Ozuna, University of Rostock; Lena Steinhoff, Paderborn University
Customer Personality Prediction Tools in B2B Inside Sales – Boon or Bane? (A2023-114184)
Anna Gabriel, Ruhr-University Bochum; Sascha Alavi, University of Bochum
Dark Tourism in Estonia: Is the Medium Still the Message? (A2023-112327)
BRENT MCKENZIE, University of Guelph, Lang School of Business and Economics
Data oriented culture, big data marketing affordances & international venture performance of industrial SMEs (A2023-114100)
Evangelia Katsikea, ICN Business School, Paris & CEREFIGE, University of Lorraine; Marios Theodosiou, University of Cyprus; Oluyomi Alarape, Wragby Business Solutions & Technologies; Christophe Rethore, ICN Business School, Paris & CEREFIGE, University of Lorraine
Decision Making Under the Uncertainty: Machines better than Humans? (A2023-113616)
Zainab Atia, University of Manchester; Hongwei He, Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester; Panagiotis Sarantopoulos, Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester
Decomposing museum performance using network DEA: Contrasting perspectives in quests for economic sustainability in museum performance (A2023-112957)
Lea Hildebrand, Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences; Friederike Paetz, Clausthal University of Technology
Developing a Measurement Scale For Employer Brand Personality (A2023-114169)
Verena Batt, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Jillaine Farrar, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Sylvia Manchen Spoerri, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Sandrina Meldau, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Developing an electric scooter charging stations as a new way to co-create a more sustainable electric micromobility (A2023-114094)
Szemere Dorottya, Budapest University of Technology and Economic; Tamás Iványi, Budapest University Of Technology and Economics
Differences in Salespeople’s Adoption of E-commerce Channels Over Time (A2023-114460)
Skyler Xie, University of Warwick; Roland Kassemeier, University of Warwick; Johannes Habel, University of Houston; Sascha Alavi, University of Bochum
Digital Competence of Firms (A2023-114442)
Mark Elsner, Wiesbaden Business School; Jessica Knauß, Wiesbaden Business School, Hochschule RheinMain
Digital Customer Experience – a comparative study between traditional and unmanned supermarkets (A2023-113449)
Simon Fauser, University of Southern Denmark / Heilbronn University; Svend Hollensen, Dept. of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Social Science; Anna Marie Dyhr Ulrich, Dept. of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Social Science; Michael Ottenbacher, Heilbronn University
Digital is not always better – B2B customer experience in the machinery construction industry (A2023-113012)
Christopher Kanitz, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Business and Management, Study Programme Global Sales and Marketing; Marlene Landershammer, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria; Michael Schade, University of Bremen
Digital transformation in and of Business-to-Business relationships (A2023-113123)
Kristin Munksgaard, SDU - University of Southern Denmark; Per Freytag, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship management
Disposal-based scarcity: How stock reduction methods influence consumer brand perceptions (A2023-114217)
Oanh Nguyen, School of Economics, Can Tho University; Tania Bucic, UNSW Sydney; Liem Ngo, UNSW Sydney; Harmen Oppewal, Monash University
Do consumers buy into your green messages? Firm media legitimacy and social media engagement (A2023-114501)
Olga Ungureanu, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Meike Morren, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Do Consumers Invest in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for Self-Enhancement or Do Wise Consumers Shop for NFTs, Too? (A2023-114457)
Nils Hossli, University of Zurich; Martin Natter, University of Zurich
Do leaders seek the best decisions? Effect of power on sales leader evaluation, the moderating role of the predisposition to seek the best decision (A2023-114427)
Behnoush Kangarlou, GBSB Global Business School; Rubén Huertas-Garcia, University of Barcelona – UB; M.Luisa Sole-Moro, University of Barcelona
Do Loyalty Programs Hurt or Help Retailers when Involved in Crises? (A2023-113947)
Samuel Stäbler, Tilburg University; Hannes Datta, Tilburg University; Marnik Dekimpe, Tilburg University
Do Not Interfere, Just Support Me, Avatar! (A2023-114379)
Mayuko Nishii, Chiba University of Commerce
Do not underestimate email customization to boost consumer engagement – the impact of the customization elements timing and content (A2023-113020)
Michael Schade, University of Bremen; Christopher Kanitz, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Business and Management, Study Programme Global Sales and Marketing; Maik Dulle, University of Bremen; Jan Wiezorrek, University of Bremen; Stephan Buttgereit, University of Bremen; Andreas Zehetner, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Do Political Conflicts Influence Daily Consumption Choices? (A2023-114214)
Lukas Jürgensmeier, Goethe University Frankfurt; Celina Proffen, Goethe University Frankfurt
Do R&D subsidies drive innovations? From the resource additionality and signaling perspectives (A2023-114064)
Jun Li, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; Ruby Lee, Florida State University
Do Service Robots Impair Consumer Fairness Perceptions of a Price Increase? (A2023-114245)
Sven Feurer, Bern University of Applied Sciences; Stefan Rose, Bern Univeristy of Applied Sciences; Jonas Berger, Bern University of Applied Sciences; Miriam Fux, Bern University of Applied Sciences; Livia Graf, Bern University of Applied Sciences; Roman Schaad, Bern University of Applied Sciences; Janick Scheidegger, Bern University of Applied Sciences; Fabian Zbinden, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Do they know? Consumer perception of greenwashing in food (A2023-114450)
Susanne Pedersen, Aarhus University
Do you Like this Paper? Would you Agree with “I Like this Paper”? The Impact of Formulating Items as Questions versus Statements on Evaluations (A2023-114243)
Anneleen Van Kerckhove, Ghent University; Elke Cabooter, IESEG School of Management; Mario Pandelaere, Virginia Tech
Do, Undo, Redo: How Experiential Teaching Formats Prepare Marketing Students for Retail Practice (A2023-113623)
Marc Linzmajer, University of St. Gallen/ Institute of Retail Management; Kristina Kleinlercher, Institute of Retail Management, University of St.Gallen; Matthias Eggenschwiler, University of St.Gallen; Thomas Rudolph, University of St. Gallen, Institute of Retail Management
Does Design Matter? An Empirical Investigation into the Design-Impact of Online Review Systems (A2023-114352)
Jochen Reiner, Aalborg University Business School; Dominik Hettich, Goethe University Frankfurt; Daniel Kostyra, Goethe University Frankfurt
Does it matter to all in the same way? How culture moderates the perception of corporate unethical behavior (A2023-114153)
Stefanie Dewender, University of Muenster; Raoul Kübler, ESSEC Business School
Does it pay to be active on social media? The antecedents and consequences of researchers’ social media activities (A2023-114072)
Veronika Breytfus, University of Cologne; Julian Wichmann, University of Cologne; Werner Reinartz, University of Cologne
Does Metaverse Fidelity Matter? Testing the Impact of Fidelity on Consumer Responses in Virtual Retail Stores (A2023-114341)
Darius-Aurel Frank, Aarhus University; Anne Peschel, Aarhus University; Jason DiPalma, Aarhus University; Daniel Blumenkranz, Aarhus University; Tobias Otterbring, University of Agder; Sascha Steinmann, Aarhus University, Department of Management
Giulia Crestini, PhD Candidate – Department of Business Administration, Chair of Marketing in the Digital Economy University of Zurich; Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr, Assistant Professor – Department of Business Administration, Chair of Marketing in the Digital Economy University of Zurich; Radu Tanase, Senior Research Associate – Department of Business Administration, Chair for Marketing and Market Research University of Zurich; Martin Natter, University of Zurich; Tobias Quelle, Digitec Galaxus AG Head of Product & User Experience
Don't leave rapport building in group services to chance (A2023-112637)
Linda Lee, Nottingham Trent University; Ian McCarthy, Simon Fraser University
Donate Your Work: A Practical Solution for Charities to Increase Donor Responsiveness (A2023-113609)
Robert Smith, Tilburg University; John Costello, Notre Dame; Alixandra Barasch, University of Colorado Boulders
Drivers and performance outcomes of generational product innovativeness (A2023-114077)
Nikolaos Kyriakopoulos, TU Delft; Paraskevas Argouslidis, Athens University of Economics & Business, School of Business, Department of Marketing & Communication
Drug Repurposing, Illness Severity, and Consumers’ Expectations of Side Effects (A2023-114042)
Ozlem Tetik, London Business School; David Faro, London Business School; Simona Botti, London Business School; Monika Heller, UCL
Dual Process Intuitions: Consumers’ Beliefs About Persuasion Processing Drive Morality of Marketing Communications (A2023-114145)
Zarema Khon, Nazarbyaev University; Yi-Ju Chen, University of Bath; Yvetta Simonyan, University of Bath; Haiming Hang, University of Bath, U.K.; Samuel Johnson, University of Waterloo (Department of Psychology)
Dual-Internationalization Strategies of Emerging Market E-tailers (A2023-112345)
Jin Shi, Saitama University, Japan; Huifeng Bai, Liverpool John Moores University
Dynamic Marketing Capabilities and firm performance (A2023-114154)
Lancy Mac, University of Macau; Jimmy Lee, University of Macau
Economic Impact of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATT) (A2023-114011)
Lennart Kraft, Goethe University Frankfurt; Bernd Skiera, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany; Tim Koschella, Realtime Technologies GmbH
Effect of Green Products on Brand Performance: Evidence from Organic Products in the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Category (A2023-114269)
KAI LESAGE, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Christophe Haon, Toulouse Business School; Shekhar Misra, Grenoble Ecole de Management
Effective Franchise Contracts: The Role of Contractual Relational Norms (A2023-113437)
Sudha Mani, Monash University; Areej Alshamrani, Monash University; Shanfei (Sophie) Feng, Monash University
Effectiveness of Communicating Sustainability Performance: Enhancement vs. Reduction Framing (A2023-114081)
M S Balaji, Rennes School of Business; Jishnu Bhattacharyya, Nottingham University Business School China, University of Nottingham Ningbo China; Yangyang Jiang, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Effectiveness of labels on consumer sustainability assessment of food: evidence from an eye-tracking study (A2023-114518)
Sandra Ullrich, Baden Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Heilbronn; Carsten Leo Demming, Baden Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Heilbronn; Carolyn Hutter, Baden Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Heilbronn
Effectiveness of Public Transport Promotion Tickets - The example of the 9-Euro-Flatrate-Ticket in Germany (A2023-114364)
Tatjana König, Saarland Business School htw saar; Andreas Krämer, University of Europe for Applied Sciences; Kristin Manthey, htw saar; Sarah Bohr, htw saar; Liesa Grund, htw saar (Saarland Business School htw)
Effects of a Brand's Warmth and Competence in Product Recalls (A2023-114444)
Niklas Schröder, Goethe University Frankfurt; Dominik Hettich, Goethe University Frankfurt; Torsten Bornemann, Goethe University Frankfurt
Eliciting Customer Remorse with Proactive Service Recoveries For Reducing Negative Word-of-Mouth (A2023-114146)
Wolfgang Weitzl, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria; Clemens Hutzinger, Seeburg Castle University, Department of Management; Sebastian Martin, Department of Health, Social and Public Management / University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Email Marketing Communications in Regular Donations: Facing Philanthropy Scandals (A2023-114264)
Ana Minguez, University of Zaragoza; F. Javier Sese, University of Zaragoza
Emotional Variability and Consumer Engagement: The Case of a Large Live Streaming Platform (A2023-114415)
Chongyan Sun, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Francisco Orlando Cisternas Vera, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Empowering consumers through mental mobile health applications: antecedents and consequences (A2023-114065)
Julien Francois, Université du Québec à Montréal; Anne Françoise Audrain, ESG -UQAM; Sana Boudhraâ, University of Quebec in Montreal; Stéphane Vial, University of Quebec in Montreal
Engagement or social glue? An investigation of influential characteristics of virtual influencers in Metaverse (A2023-113741)
Aman Kumar, Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam; Amit Shankar, Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam
Engagement, Commitment or Trust: Which Comes First in Internet Users' Relationship with Brands on social media? (A2023-114297)
MARCELO BRANDAO, Federal University of Espírito Santo; Arthur Sarcinelli, São Paulo School of Business Administration; Maria Nery, Federal University of Espirito Santo; Ana Paula Fantino, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Enhancing Re-spending Behavior to Charities: The Roles of Similarity and Perspective Taking (A2023-114087)
Dominik Hettich, Goethe University Frankfurt; Franziska Mesnaric, Platform24; Torsten Bornemann, Goethe University Frankfurt; Stefan Hattula, Accenture
Enhancing Solution Effectiveness: The Role of Customer Adaptiveness (A2023-114325)
Victoria Kramer, University of Muenster; Manfred Krafft, University of Münster; Stefan Worm, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway; Sundar Bharadwaj, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
Elías Vega Riera, Universidad de Valladolid; Carmen Camarero, University of Valladolid
Enhancing the memorable experience of Hungarian regional tourism among Chinese tourists (A2023-114517)
Török Réka Szabina, University of Szeged
Estimating causal effects with double/debiased machine learning - a method evaluation (A2023-114227)
Jonathan Fuhr, University of Tübingen; Dominik Papies, University of Tübingen; Philipp Berens, University of Tübingen
Ethical and Effective Fundraising Communication – An Oxymoron? (A2023-114113)
Roman Antoschin, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Christian Schlereth, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Christine Eckert, European Business School Oestrich Winkel, Universitz of Technology Sydney; Hannah Erlebach, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Evaluation of product testing programs as an effective marketing tool - Negative and positive effects of rejections in product testing programs (A2023-114265)
Kira Küpper, University of Wuppertal; Ina Garnefeld, University of Wuppertal; Lena Steinhoff, Paderborn University
Evaluation of the experience of being attended by a social robot in a frontline service (A2023-112819)
Rubén Huertas-Garcia, University of Barcelona – UB; Santiago Forgas-Coll , University of Barcelona; Antonio Andriella, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial CSIC-UPC; Laura Saez-Ortuno, University of Barcelona
Evolutions in consumer awareness & definitions of sustainability: a multi-country study (A2023-114515)
Frank Goedertier, Vlerick Business School; Bert Weijters, Ghent University; Joeri Van den Bergh, InSites Consulting; Ole Schacht, Ghent University
Examining the relationship between customer orientation, perceived empathy, and customer satisfaction using dyadic data (A2023-114360)
Ilona Pezenka, FHWien der WKW University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication
Examining the relationships between team boundary spanning, boundary buffering and job stress in new product development teams (A2023-114136)
Pilar Carbonell, York University; Ana Rodriguez-Escudero, University of Valladolid; Héctor Pérez-Fernández, University of Valladolid; Víctor Temprano-García, University of Valladolid
Expanding the Stern Model of Communication for multicultural markets: A study on language in advertising in Africa (A2023-113988)
Mzamo Masito, Google; James Lappeman, University of Cape Town
Exploring Human-Centric Attributes of Smartphone Set and Their Influence on Advocacy of the Brands by the Customers: Testing the Moderating Role of Gender (A2023-114270)
Tamgid Chowdhury, North South University; Sherina Idrish, North South University; Shahneela Naheed, North South University
Exploring the Context-Dependency of Firms' Portrayals of Consumer Nature (A2023-113931)
Robin Pade, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Marketing & Sales Research Group; Martin Klarmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Exploring the notion of value reciprocity in the subscription economy: A systematic literature review (A2023-114529)
Stuart Allan, Nottingham Business School; Tony Woodall, Nottingham Business School; Mojtaba Poorrezaei, Nottingham Business School; Elmina Homapour, Nottingham Business School
Extracting Consumer Purchase Value from Consumer Signalling: The Case of Country of Origin (A2023-114228)
Rafid Ur Rahman, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds; Martin Heinberg, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds; Sourindra Banerjee, University of Leeds; Constantine Katsikeas, Leeds University Business School
Factors impacting market shaping intentions – a study of Newfoundland & Labrador craft breweries (A2023-114465)
William Newell, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University; Chris Ellegaard, Aarhus University
Factors influencing the intention to use a matching donation platform (A2023-114289)
Philip Sander, University of Hamburg; Julia Zabel, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg
Firms’ Focus on Brand and Customer Management: Measurement, Development, and Financial Consequences (A2023-114083)
Simeng Han, Goethe University Frankfurt; Werner Reinartz, University of Cologne; Bernd Skiera, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany; Thomas Scholdra, University of Cologne
Frequent Exposure to Images Increases Their Perceived Authenticity (A2023-114425)
Farhana Tabassum, BI Norwegian Business School; Klemens Knoeferle, BI Norwegian Business School; Luk Warlop, BI Norwegian Business School
From Individual to Household Decision Making: A practical perspective on the BOP consumer in Africa (A2023-113990)
James Lappeman, University of Cape Town; Nqobile Bundwini, University of Cape Town; Tendai Chikweche, Western Sydney University; Paul Egan, University of Cape Town
From strategist to field manager: How can sales management adapt to the post-Covid “new normal”? (A2023-114532)
Front-of-Package Nutrition Labeling Standards and Consumer Choice: The Moderating Role of Processing Fluency (A2023-114027)
Youngju Kim, Neoma Business School; Qing Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ty Henderson, University of Texas at Austin
Game on! The Role of First Impression for Online Games Adoption (A2023-114115)
Mihai Orzan, Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Zara Adina, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Marketing Faculty; Gheorghe Orzan, Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Stefan Caescu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Gender role portrayals in online advertising in a Nordic context (A2023-114510)
Mikaela Björkqvist, Aalto University School of Business; Petra Paasonen, Aalto University School of Business
Give Me Something I Don't Have! Image Transfer and Spillover Effects in Online Marketplaces (A2023-114488)
Florian Weyerhäuser, Saarland University; Bastian Popp, Saarland University; Patrick Klein, Saarland University, Department of Business Administration, in particular Retail Management
Cheryl Nakata, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Lisa Sharp, University of Illinois at Chicago; Jelena Spanjol, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich
How and when front-line employee diversity impacts luxury brand equity (A2023-112382)
Karen T. Bowen, University of Leeds; Christina Papadopoulou, University of Leeds; giuseppe musarra, University of Leeds
How B2B marketing function drives sales? Understanding customer journey facilitation in different interaction contexts (A2023-114357)
Harri Terho, Tampere University; Anna Salonen, University of Jyväskylä; Deva Rangarajan, IESEG School of Management; Mekhail Mustak, IESEG School of Management
How Can Brands Work with Influencers to Create Authentic Branded Content? (A2023-112601)
Barbara Duffek, Imperial College Business School; Andreas Eisingerich, Imperial College Business School; Omar Merlo, Imperial College London; Guan Lee, Imperial College London, Unilever
How Can Declined Markets Be Revived ? (A2023-114118)
Lilia Fessi, ISC Paris; Karim Ben Slimane, ISC Paris Business School; Hamida Skandrani, Université de la Manouba
How Can Personas Support Online Advertising Process? Proposing ‘Persona-Based Online Advertising Optimization’ (A2023-112368)
Ilkka Kaate, University of Turku; Joni Salminen, University of Vaasa; Soon-Gyo Jung, Qatar Computing Research Institute; Rami Olkkonen, University of Turku/Turku School of Economics; Bernard Jansen, Qatar Computing Research Institute
How companies are adopting environmental practices in their social media (A2023-114458)
Elnur Nabivi, University of Warsaw
How digital devices shape online recommendations (A2023-113943)
Lisa-Marie Klopfer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Lukas Wolf, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Martina Steul-Fischer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
How do defaults and framing influence food choice? An intervention aimed at promoting plant-based choice in online menus (A2023-114061)
Ainslee Erhard, University of Goettingen; Dominic Lemken, Institute for Food and Ressource Economics, University of Bonn; Yasemin Boztug, University of Goettingen
How do Event Brand Attractiveness and Place Brand Attractiveness Affect Event Brand Experiences and Place Brand Experiences as well as Event Brand Loyalty? (A2023-114157)
Sören Bär, University of Leipzig; Kathleen Schick, Seven.One Entertainment Group GmbH Unterföhring; Markus Kurscheidt, University of Bayreuth
How Do Religiosity and Spirituality Affect Green Purchase Intentions? A Comparative Study between India and Japan (A2023-114128)
Mototaka Sakashita, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University; Rahul Goswami, Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India; Swagato Chatterjee, Queen Mary University of London, UK
How do theme park visitors evaluate smart servicescape and social servicescape in the new normal post-covid 19 world? Service quality scale extension. (A2023-114225)
Shilpa Iyanna, Northumbria University; Carmela Bosangit, Cardiff University; Fauzia Jabeen, Abu Dhabi University
How does brand authenticity contribute to purchase intentions? (A2023-113016)
MERVE VARDARSUYU, Kutahya Dumlupinar University; Christina Papadopoulou, University of Leeds
How Does Device Choice Differ Along the Customer Journey and for Different Product Characteristics? – Insights From Experimental and Clickstream Data (A2023-112703)
Lukas Wolf, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Martina Steul-Fischer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
How Does Standardized Consent for Personal Data Processing Affect Online Tracking? (A2023-114377)
Yuxi Jin, Goethe University Frankfurt; Bernd Skiera, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
How Few Can Be More Powerful Than Many: The Effect of Unbalanced Sampling on Norm Perception (A2023-114459)
Gaël Le Mens, Pompeu Fabra University; Rahil Hosseini, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Thomas Woiczyk, University of the Balearic Islands
How important is a good interior design for a great guest experience! (A2023-114211)
DIANA GAVILAN, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Maria Avello, Univeridad Complutense de Madrid
How May AI Help You? Human-AI Collaboration in B2B Sales (A2023-112989)
Charlotte Knickrehm, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
How should robots apologize to restore satisfaction after a service failure? (A2023-114513)
Salma André, EMLYON Business School, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, iaelyon School of Management, UR Magellan; Margherita Pagani, Skema Business school
How social media messengers’ food messages relate to adolescent eating (A2023-114268)
Yara Qutteina, Institute for Media Studies, KU Leuven; Lotte Hallez, KU Leuven/ Institute for Media Studies; Paulien Decorte, University of Antwerp; Charlotte De Backer, University of Antwerp; Tim Smits, Institute for Media Studies, KU Leuven
How social media platform affordances influence digital brand personality: a cross-platform comparison of user-generated content (A2023-113991)
Mijka Ghorbani, University of Strathclyde; Andrea Tonner, University of Strathclyde; Eleni Tsougkou, University of Strathclyde
How sunk costs ‘sink’ mobile website purchasing in an online-mobile concurrent channel context (A2023-114151)
Jacques Nel, University of the Free State; Christo Boshoff, stellenbosch University
How the embedding of products in stylistic ensembles affects the products’ perceived value (A2023-114502)
Katrin Talke, TU Berlin; Miriam Deufel, Technische Universität Berlin; Saskia Walz, Technische Universität Berlin
How the influencer behaviour affects brand social network? (A2023-114498)
Elisabetta Benevento, University of Pisa; Davide Bellino, University of Pisa; Davide Aloini, University of Pisa; PAOLO ROMA, UNIVERSITY OF PALERMO
How the organizational context affects boundary spanners' attempts to cultivate organizational trustworthiness (A2023-114058)
Martin Jørgensen, Aarhus University; Hanne Kragh, Aarhus University; Chris Ellegaard, Aarhus University
How to enhance customer experience via augmented reality across customer journey (A2023-114024)
Liling Sun, TSM Research, University Toulouse 1 Capitole
How To Hook Customers With Facebook (A2023-114373)
Tom Wielheesen, University of Groningen; Laurens Sloot, University of Groningen; Tammo Bijmolt, University of Groningen
How to identify fake news? The impact of source credibility, sensational headlines and fake news awareness on the classification of online information (A2023-114304)
Corina Pelau, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania; Carmen Acatrinei, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania; Mihai-Ionut Pop, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
How To Optimize Your Social Media Caption To Generate More Engagement :) #Captionize #SocialMedia (A2023-114288)
Thomas Reichstein, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Ines Brusch, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; Florian Dost, Brandenburg University of Technology; Michael Brusch, Anhalt University of Applied Science
How to Promote Self-Determined Sustainable Mobility Behavior With Mobility Budgets – Acceptance Model Development (A2023-113441)
Lea Schwehn, Wiesbaden Business School; Tobias Heußler, Wiesbaden Business School
How to Successfully Design Suggestive Brand Names: An Integrated Psycholinguistic Framework (A2023-114436)
Tobias Langner, University of Wuppertal; Daniel Bruns, University of Wuppertal; John Rossiter, University of Wollongong
How Voluntary Consumption Renunciation and Psycho-social Well-being Evoke Resilience in Times of the Coronavirus Pandemic (A2023-112922)
Stefan Hoffmann, Kiel University; Ingo Balderjahn, Universität Potsdam
How workspace design influences innovation-related behaviour. The role of occupational stereotypes (A2023-114475)
Mona Frermann, Technische Universität Berlin; Birgit Peña Häufler, Technische Universität Berlin; SOEREN SALOMO, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN; Katrin Talke, TU Berlin
I need your help: Key parameters guiding satisfaction with chatbots (A2023-113498)
Svetlana Bialkova, Liverpool Business School
I Really Know You: How Influencers Can Increase Audience Engagement by Referencing Their Close Social Ties (A2023-112561)
Jaeyeon Chung, Rice University; Ajay Kalra, Rice University; Yu Ding, Stanford University
Impact of Auction Closing Mechanism on Price Discovery: Evidence from Tea Auctions in India (A2023-114167)
Ravikanth Vazrapu, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore; Sreelata Jonnagaledda, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore; Mahadevan B, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Impact of Blended Learning on Student Experience during COVID-19 (A2023-114178)
Santiago Batista-Toledo, Complutense University of Madrid; DIANA GAVILAN, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Impact of Digital Agent’s Types and Humanoid Features on Parasocial Relationship: Evidence of Online Gym Exercises (A2023-113965)
Ying Feng, Loughborough University; Jie Meng, Loughborough University
Impact of Negative Emotions on Consumers’ Food Texture Preferences (A2023-114125)
Sukriye Atakan, Siena College; Behcet Ozkara, Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Impact of Salesforce Automation and social selling technologies on salesforce performance: A meta-analytic review (A2023-114350)
Stephen Oduro, University of International Studies of Rome, Italy; Giada Mainolfi, University of International Studies of Rome (UNINT); Alessandro Romoli, University of International Studies of Rome (UNINT); Silvio Cardinali, UNIVPM; Alessandro De Nisco, University of International Studies of Rome - UNINT
Impressive Insults: How do consumers perceive self-deprecating advertisements? (A2023-114347)
Vaishnavi Kale, IE Business School, IE University, Madrid; Eda Sayin, IE Business School
In Awe! The Commercial Staging of Grandeur in Cultural Tourism Servicescapes (A2023-113974)
ATHINODOROS CHRONIS, California State University, Stanislaus
In Brands We Trust; The Development and Validation of a Contemporary Brand Trust Scale (A2023-112705)
Henk Roest, Tilburg University; Patrick De Graaf, Tilburg University
Incentivizing User Input for Data Enrichment (A2023-112422)
Sven Beisecker, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Christian Schlereth, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Increasing customers’ purchase and loyalty intentions through data-driven personalization in brick-and-mortar-stores (A2023-114372)
Thomas Rudolph, University of St. Gallen, Institute of Retail Management; Nora Kralle, University of St. Gallen; Kristina Kleinlercher, Institute of Retail Management, University of St.Gallen
Increasing the Sales of Suboptimal Products with Sustainability and Authenticity Marketing (A2023-113946)
Ilona de Hooge, Wageningen University; Roxanne Van Giesen, Centerdata
Incredibility as Driver of Reactance towards Influencer Advertising in Social Media and Negative Consumer Responses (A2023-114435)
Davina Weintz, Saarland University; Bastian Popp, Saarland University
Influence of price metrics on consumers’ fairness perception in retailing (A2023-114381)
Marcel Mallach, University of Kaiserslautern; Stefan Roth, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Influencer Marketing of Green Products (A2023-114561)
SATADRUTA Mookherjee, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Yiping Song, NEOMA Business School; Jiming WU, NEOMA business school
Influencer Marketing: The Power of Emotions in Branded Influencer Posts (A2023-114485)
Jason Weismueller, The University of Western Australia; Paul Harrigan, The University of Western Australia; Richard Gruner, University of Western Australia
Influences of country-of-origin image and country norms on purchase intentions: perceptions of Spanish olive oil in Vietnam (A2023-114424)
Le Viet Trinh Pham, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences; Raquel Tarrazona, Universidad de Jaén; Sebastian Ullrich, Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences
Information shared by humans vs Artificial Intelligence (AI) on social networking sites – The impact of message acceptance, perceived intrusiveness and relevance on user action (A2023-114257)
Hanne Knight, University of Plymouth; Stefan Hoffmann, Kiel University; Mohamed Haddoud, The British University in Dubai
Internationalization and Managerial Overconfidence Revisited (A2023-114397)
MARKOS TSOGAS, University of Piraeus; Marina Kyriakou, University of Piraeus; Georgia Sioupouli, University of Piraeus
Inverted Uncanny Valley: the Credibility of Virtual Influencers vs Human Influencer (A2023-114258)
Marcin Awdziej, Kozminski University; Dagmara Plata-Alf, Kozminski University; Jolanta Tkaczyk, Kozminski University
Investigating Consumers’ Hesitant Adoption of Medical Artificial Intelligence (A2023-114449)
Elisa Konya-Baumbach, University of Mannheim; Miriam Biller, University of Mannheim; Sabine Kuester, University of Mannheim
Investigating the adoption of neuroscience technology among marketing professionals: A survey on the intention to use neuromarketing tools (A2023-114216)
Letizia Alvino, University of Twente; Carolina Herrando, University of Zaragoza; Agata Leszkiewicz, UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE; Céline Horsten, University of Amsterdam; Henry Robben, Nyenrode Business Universiteit
Investigating the True Effect of Corporate Reputation on Firm Performance - Disentangling the Measurement Jungle (A2023-114161)
Jonathan Matzinger, University of Bern; Clemens Ammann, University of Bern; Andreas Hediger, University of Bern; Salome Naepfli, University of Bern; Harley Krohmer, University of Bern
Investor Intelligence and Firm Innovation Behavior (A2023-113578)
Dorian Petrich, Goethe University Frankfurt; Simone Wies, Goethe University Frankfurt
Is Apple in my Inner Circle? The Brand Relationship Circle Method for Measuring Consumer-Brand Relationships (A2023-114539)
Csilla Horvath, Institute for Management Research, Radboud University; Paul H. Driessen, Institute for Management Research, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Is it all up for grabs? Intentional Brand Marginalization versus Brand Cannibalization Strategy after Brand Acquisition (A2023-112903)
Jean Suvatjis, International Brand Marketing Consultant; Christos Ntais, Marketing Department, University of Nicosia School of Business, Cyprus; Yioula Melanthiou, Department of Public Communication, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus University of Technology
Is it recycled or recyclable? Improving consumers’ perceptions of recycled plastic packages for food products. (A2023-114349)
Alba D'Aniello, Luiss Guido Carli; Carmela Donato, Luiss University; Matteo De Angelis, Luiss University
Aishwarya Ramesh, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras ; Vaibhav Chawla, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
It Is So Much Easy to Be A Healthy Eater: An Application of Option Framing Strategy to Food Customization (A2023-114017)
Mengmeng Niu, University of Mannheim; Hong Nhung Ta, University of Mannheim; Florian Kraus, University of Mannheim
It’s Okay to Be Okay: Niche Marketing in Contested Ideological Spaces (A2023-113562)
Lavy Khoushinsky, Queen's University; Jay Handelman, Queen's University
Keeping Distance! How Disease Threat Lowers Consumers’ Attitude towards Densely Displayed Products (A2023-114009)
Sahar Karimi, University of Liverpool; Wangshuai Wang, International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University; Yanxi Yi, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University
Letting the Customer Off the Hook: A Novel Influence Tactic for Establishing Customer Trust (A2023-114428)
Kiram Iqbal, Sales Management Department of Ruhr-University of Bochum; Sascha Alavi, University of Bochum; Johannes Habel, University of Houston; Petrik Dauer, Ruhr-University of Bochum
Let’s go ‘phygital’ - The impact of in-store augmented reality on patronage intentions and store purchase (A2023-113309)
Waldemar Toporowski, University of Goettingen; Denise Pape, University of Goettingen, Chair of Marketing and Retail Management
Leveraging Member-Initiated Online Communities: The Role of Brand Prominence for Generating Word-of-Mouth (A2023-113957)
Angeliki Kalogeraki, University of Mannheim; Sabine Kuester, University of Mannheim; Sergej von Janda, Kaiser X Labs
Liminality in Conspicuous Consumption: The Curious Case of 'PC Master Race' (A2023-114506)
Denis Utochkin, Norwegian School of Economics
Limits to the Price-Tag Society: Ethical Evaluations of Controversial Market Offers (A2023-114426)
Craig Smith, INSEAD; Yvetta Simonyan, University of Bath
Tom VILLENET, Université Lyon 3 - Jean Moulin; William SABADIE, iaelyon School of Management
Local Foodscape Attributes and their Impact on Trust and the Purchase Intention (A2023-114048)
Rajlakshmi Banerjee, Nottingham Trent University; Barry Quinn, Ulster University
Ruiqi Wei, EMLYON Business School; catherine PARDO, emlyon business school
Making digital stuff ownable with blockchain technology: The case of NBA Topshot NFTs (A2023-114164)
Konstantinos Lianidis, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Business & Management; Domen Bajde, University of Southern Denmark; Mikkel Nøjgaard, University of Southern Denmark
Managing compulsive consumption through practice reconfiguration (A2023-114542)
Larissa Becker, Tampere University; Melissa Akaka, University of Denver; Hope Schau, University of Arizona; Elina Jaakkola, University of Turku
Managing Social Media P2p Fundraising (A2023-113968)
Christian Schlereth, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Beatrice Martin, RWTH Aachen; Bernd Skiera, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Mapping the Knowledge Base of Haptics in e-Commerce: A Bibliometric Analysis (A2023-114362)
Yuyu Wang, University of Eastern Finland; Heli Hallikainen, University of Eastern Finland; Tommi Laukkanen, University of Eastern Finland
Market Orientation in the Eye of the Beholder: Perceived Market Orientation and Its Effect on Dealer- Company Relationships (A2023-114284)
Zeynep Müge Güzel, Özyeğin University; Ayşegül Özsomer, Koç University
Marketing platform knowledge, product variety, and platform financial performance: digital versus conventional product platforms (A2023-112744)
Edwin Nijssen, Eindhoven University of Technology; Ties Van Bommel, Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands; and Signify, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Matching Targeting Strategies to Marketing Mix Capabilities to Achieve superior Performance (A2023-114491)
Marina Kyriakou, University of Piraeus; MARKOS TSOGAS, University of Piraeus
May I Have Your Attention Please? A Mobile Eye-Tracking Study on the Effectiveness of Advertising Attention Tactics in Real-Life Media Encounters (A2023-114467)
Julian Kopka, University of Wuppertal; Lennart Borgmann, University of Wuppertal; Tobias Langner, University of Wuppertal
Measuring advertising message effectiveness: Integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches (A2023-114371)
Jiwon Baek, Pusan National University; Tae Ho Song, Pusan National University
Measuring Green Consumption Behaviour (A2023-114207)
Yingkui Yang, University of Southern Denmark; Jan Jensen, University of Southern Denmark; René Haldborg Jørgensen, University of Southern Denmark
Measuring the effects of organizational ambidexterity and co-creation on organization performance. Does the size matters? (A2023-112666)
Maria Sarmento, Universidade Lusófona; Cláudia Simões, University of Minho; Luis Lages, Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon
Micro-level and Macro-level Contingencies Influencing the Effect of Salespeople’s Digital Adoption on Salesperson Performance (A2023-114250)
Roland Kassemeier, University of Warwick; Berenika Hengstebeck, University of Bochum; Jan Wieseke, University of Bochum
Misinformation and mistrust mindsets: the spillover effects of misinformation (A2023-114333)
Giandomenico Di Domenico, Cardiff University; Gita Johar, Columbia University; Yu Ding, Stanford University
Modeling the payment patterns of subscription video-on-demand users (A2023-114396)
Diana Serrano de Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Ignacio Redondo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Modularity in Digitalized B2B Solution Design (A2023-114484)
Dalal AlQadeeri, Penn State University; Stefan Wuyts, Penn State University
Money illusion for others (A2023-114239)
Rajarshi Majumder, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Ignazio Ziano, University of Geneva
Motivating Sustainable Energy Consumption Within Organizations: The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Behavioural Nudging (A2023-114259)
Christopher Amaral, University of Bath; Ceren Kolsarici, Queen's University; Iina Ikonen, University of Bath; Nicole Robitaille, Queen's University
Multi-experience Framing: The Mere Perception of Experiencing Multiple Stimuli Increases Enjoyment (A2023-113937)
Ceren Sahin, Tilburg University; Robert Smith, Tilburg University; Anika Stuppy, Tilburg University
Multi-Tasking Incentives in B2B Sales: Fostering Multi-Tasking or Creating Goal Confusion? (A2023-114473)
Marcel Keen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Sascha Alavi, University of Bochum; Martin Krämer, University of Houston; Sebastian Hohenberg, The University of Münster (WWU)
National Brand Listings by Discounters – How do they Affect Supermarkets? (A2023-113940)
Lisa Joerg, University of Hamburg; Sören Christiansen, University of Hamburg; Karen Gedenk, University of Hamburg
Natural Language Processing in Big Data Context: A Bibliographic Analysis (A2023-114080)
Sergi Pons, Universitat de Barcelona; Laura Saez-Ortuno, University of Barcelona
Özge Özgen, Dokuz Eylül University; Çağla Dayanğan, University of Southampton; Nilay Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, Sussex Business School, University of Sussex
Neighborhood retailing and local competitive advantage: the mediating role of residents' quality of life perceptions (A2023-113936)
Arthur Sarcinelli, São Paulo School of Business Administration; MARCELO BRANDAO, Federal University of Espírito Santo; Delane Botelho, EAESP, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, FGV/SP
Not All Differences Are Made the Same: The Effect of Distribution on the Perceived Difference Between Scores (A2023-114248)
Rahil Hosseini, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Hans Alves, Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Gaël Le Mens, Pompeu Fabra University
Not in it (just) for the money: social media discourses on value dimensions (A2023-114173)
Anna Granstedt, Åbo Akademi University
Out with the… new and in with the old? Investigating the relationship between visually cohesive portfolios and consumer liking (A2023-114196)
Ella Ward, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University of South Australia; Jenni Romaniuk, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute; Giang Trinh, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute University of South Australia; Beal Virginia, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University of South Australia; John Dawes, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
Overcoming Resistance to Medical Artificial Intelligence (A2023-112709)
Rafael Wagner, NOVA Information Management School; Diego Costa Pinto, NOVA Information Management School; Gurpreet Dhillon, University of North Texas; Natália Pacheco, IPAM Lisboa; Marcia Herter, Advance/CSG, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa
Overshadowing Effect of Celebrity Endorsers in Advertising: An Eye-Tracking Approach (A2023-114233)
Terri Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University; Bolton Chau, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Packed and claimed for sustainability: A multi experiment test of how consumers perceive soft drink packaging sustainability (A2023-114249)
Lotte Hallez, KU Leuven/ Institute for Media Studies; Bram Spruyt, KU Leuven; Filip Boen, KU Leuven; Tim Smits, Institute for Media Studies, KU Leuven
Paid Social Media: Review and Research Agenda (A2023-114172)
Sara Alida Volkmer, Technical University of Munich; Martin Meißner, Technical University of Munich
Parents and children characteristics that contribute to food waste promotion behaviours among households (A2023-114392)
Violeta Stancu, Aarhus University, Denmark; Liisa Lähteenmäki, Aarhus University, Denmark
Perceptions of user experience and service quality based on online ratings of mobile banking applications (A2023-114487)
Tamás Csordás, Corvinus University of Budapest; Mónika Alt, Babeș-Bolyai University; Ariel Mitev, Corvinus University of Budapest
Person or Product? Made-To-Order K-Pop Celebrities as Products (A2023-114418)
Chananan Dechadilok, Nova School of Business and Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Luis Martinez, Nova School of Business and Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Natalie Truong Faust, NOVA School of Business and Economics; Irene Consiglio, Nova School of Business and Economics
Photos in Online Reviews of Search Goods (A2023-114463)
Jessica Knauß, Wiesbaden Business School, Hochschule RheinMain; Mark Elsner, Wiesbaden Business School
Martina Di Cioccio, LUISS Guido Carli University; Luigi Monsurrò, Sapienza University of Rome; Carmela Donato, Luiss University
Platform Leakage and Disintermediation Prevention (A2023-114520)
Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago; Liqiang Huang, Zhejiang University; Wei Miao, University College London; Wanqing Zhang, Bayes Business School, City, University of London
Plus-size luxury fashion advertising: Benefits and pitfalls (A2023-114084)
Kacy Kim, Bryant University; Sharmin Attaran, Bryant University; Teresa McCarthy Byrne, Bryant University; Sukki Yoon, Bryant University
Positive, negative, or graded sustainability labelling? Which is most effective at promoting a shift towards more sustainable product choices? (A2023-112434)
John Thøgersen, Aarhus University; François Dessart, European Commission - Joint Research Centre; Ginevra Marandola, Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, Rome, Italy; Stefanie Hille, European Commission - DG Connect, Luxemburg
Potential for Decision Aids based on Natural Language Processing (A2023-114322)
Maximilian Witte, University of Hamburg; Jasper Schwenzow, Universität Hamburg; Mark Heitmann, University of Hamburg; Martin Reisenbichler, Vienna University of Economics and Business; Matthias Assenmacher, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Preaching to the Choir: Do Green Influencers Make a Difference? (A2023-114466)
Erik Maier, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management; Sarah König, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Preventing Cultural Tastes from Losing Popularity (A2023-113128)
Leonard Rackowitz, University of Hamburg; Besarta Veseli, University of Hamburg; Michel Clement, University of Hamburg, Germany
Price Negotiations in B2B Markets: How Firms’ Strategic Risk-Taking Affects Salespeople’s Price Defense (A2023-114033)
Stefan Hartmann, University of Mannheim; Robin-Christopher Ruhnau, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt; Christian Homburg, University of Mannheim
Pricing of Add-On Products with Rationally Inattentive Consumers (A2023-114334)
Sergey Turlo, Goethe University Frankfurt; Dominik Naeher, University of Göttingen
Pricing powered by Artificial Intelligence: An assessment model for the sustainable implementation of AI supported price functions (A2023-114342)
Anett Erdmann, ESIC University; Morteza Yazdani, Universidad Internacional de Valencia; José Manuel Mas, ESIC University; Cristina Marín-Palacios, ESIC-University (Spain)
Production Enjoyment Asymmetrically Impacts Buyers’ Willingness to Pay and Sellers’ Willingness to Charge (A2023-114382)
Anna Paley, Tilburg University; Robert Smith, Tilburg University; Daniel Zane, University of Miami; Jake Teeny, Ohio State University
Promoting healthy or preventing unhealthy? An experimental investigation in the context of food products sold through smart vending machines (A2023-114273)
Giacomo Gistri, University of Macerata; Daniele Scarpi, University of Bologna; Agnese Perfetti, University of Macerata
Promoting Price Discounts across Channels: The Role of Discount Level and Product Sales Frequency (A2023-114395)
Florian Dost, Brandenburg University of Technology; Erik Maier, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Promoting regenerative sustainability to second homeowners (A2023-114041)
Anne-Mette Hjalager, University of Southern Denmark
Proposing a Sales Performance Motivational Framework for B2B Sellers in Services Firms (A2023-112354)
Nils Høgevold, School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing, Kristiania University College, Oslo; Mornay Roberts-Lombard, Department of Marketing Management, University of Johannesburg; Rocio Rodríguez, Universidad de Murcia; Göran Svensson, School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing, Kristiania University College, Oslo
Proposition of a scale for measuring sustainable marketing actions in food service businesses (A2023-113975)
Adriana Madeira, University Presbyterian Mackenzie; Fabiana Gama de Medeiros, Universidade Federal da Paraíba; GILBERTO PEREZ, Mackenzie Presbiterian University; Tatiana Ramires, Universidad Gabriela Mistral; Vanessa Bretas, Dublin City University
Psychographic segmentation of multichannel customers: Investigating the influence of individual differences on channel choice and switching behavior (A2023-114165)
Jan Blömker, MSB Muenster School of Business; Carmen-Maria Albrecht, MSB Muenster School of Business
Quid Pro Quo: Being Observed by Companies Decreases Customer Engagement (A2023-114384)
Deniz Lefkeli, LUISS Guido Carli University; Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Koç University; Ali Hurriyetoglu, KNAW Humanities Cluster DHLab
Ready to lie? An approach to the main motivations in online sweepstakes and quizzes (A2023-113727)
Santiago Forgas-Coll , University of Barcelona; Laura Saez-Ortuno, University of Barcelona; Rubén Huertas-Garcia, University of Barcelona – UB; Javier Sánchez-García, Universitat Jaume I (Castellon)
Reconceptualizing brands from a social systems perspective (A2023-114179)
Kristijan Petkoski, Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University
Reconciling B2B and B2C demands: Access-based triadic systems for reusable food containers (A2023-112998)
Stefanie Fella, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Christoph Ratay, Technical University of Munich
Red Flags in Sales: Using Big Data and Machine Learning to Predict Salespeople’s Fraud (A2023-114189)
Nora Pöpping, University of Bochum; Sascha Alavi, University of Bochum; Christian Schmitz, University of Bochum; Maximilian Frieß, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Referencing Self-Nature Connection rather than just Nature Increases the Efficiency of Pro-Environmental Interventions on Consumer Behaviors (A2023-114380)
Leila Rahmani, University of Lausanne; Simona Haasova, University of Lausanne; Sandor Czellar, University of Lausanne; Valentina Clergue, Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne; Christian Martin, Maynooth University
Reflexive Effects of Negative Word of Mouth: Pilot Study (A2023-114013)
Rahul Chawdhary, Kingston University ; Anna Ivanova, Kingston University London ; Arslan Chaudhary, Kingston University
Relational Norm Asymmetries in Buyer-Supplier Relationships (A2023-114474)
Kristina Schaffer, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz ; ALOK KUMAR, Univ of Nebraska Lincoln ; Stefan Hurtak, University of Graz, Institute of Marketing; Vishal Kashyap, University of Graz, Institute of Marketing
Repair as Commitment: The Role of Brand Loyalty (A2023-114206)
Aylin Cakanlar, Stockholm School of Economics/Jönköping University; (Joyce) Jingshi Liu, Bayes Business School, City, University of London; Gergana Nenkov, Boston College
Resource Sharing in Business-to-Business Contexts: Towards an understanding of the process and its management (A2023-114301)
Karina von dem Berge, Lucerne School of Business / Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Uta Juettner, Lucerne School of Business / Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Javier Marcos Cuevas, Cranfield University
Retailers’ Fringe Customer Focus and Shareholder Value: The Role of Firm Capabilities to Build and Leverage Market-based Assets (A2023-114123)
Manjunath Padigar, University of Groningen; Kiran Pedada, University of Manitoba; Ashish Sinha, UTS Business School; Rajendra Srivastava, Indian School of Business
Reward or Punish? – How financial incentives interact with regulatory focus to enhance sustainable consumer behavior (A2023-114263)
Catalina Wache, Freie Universität Berlin; Maja Fors, Stockholm School of Economics; Alexander Mafael, Stockholm School of Economics
Risk as Numbers or Feelings? Disentangle Deliberative and Affective Risk Perceptions in Insurance Decisions (A2023-114376)
Yingting Wen, EMLYON Business School; Ayse ONCULER, Professor, Marketing Department, ESSEC Business School
Robustness of Fluency Effects in Marketing Research - A Meta-Analysis (A2023-114433)
Lennart Kehl, Goethe University Frankfurt; Jan Landwehr, Goethe University Frankfurt
Round Up to Give Back: Are Consumers Willing to Pay More for Socially Sustainable Efforts of Food Retailers? (A2023-114252)
Regina Harms, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Maike Westerhoff, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Jan Weidenstraß, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Nadine Gier, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Sales Employees Perception of Work Life Balance and its importance to Organisational Performance (A2023-114462)
MICHAIL MAVROUDIS, University of Strathclyde; Spiros Gounaris, Universtiy of Strathclyde
Same strategies – different categories: An explorative card-sort study of plant-based proteins comparing omnivores, flexitarians, vegetarians and vegans (A2023-112387)
Monique van der Meer, Wageningen University & Research; Arnout Fischer, Wageningen University; Marleen Onwezen, Wageningen Economic Research
Satisfaction is not enough: the concept of customer delight and its relevance in the AI context. (A2023-114182)
Ilaria Querci, Neoma Business School; Luigi Monsurrò, Sapienza University of Rome; Silvia Grappi, Department of Communication and Economics - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Simona Romani, Luiss University; Richard Bagozzi, University of Michigan
Satisfaction with the Use of Chatbots: A cross-generational Comparison (A2023-114101)
Rebecca Stephan, Mainz University of Applied Sciences; Hannah Kraemer, University of Applied Sciences Mainz; University of Bamberg; Isabelle Hillebrandt, Mainz University of Applied Sciences
Save The Best for Last: Investigating the Effects of Referral Reward Program Structures in the Freemium Game Context through a Long-Term Field Experiment (A2023-114181)
Yashar Bashirzadeh, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Charis Li, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Alixandra Barasch, University of Colorado Boulders
Self-control failures in pro-environmental behavior under uncertainty (A2023-113992)
Sai Prashanth RAMACHANDRAN, Toulouse School of Management; Camilla Barbarossa, Toulouse Business School; Laurent Bertrandias, Toulouse Business School
Sensing Physical Properties for Subjective Meanings: The Phenomenological Consumer Perceived Value (A2023-114238)
Laura Forsman, University of Helsinki (Department of Food and Nutrition) & University of Vaasa (School of Marketing and Communication, Marketing); Harri Luomala, University of Vaasa, School of Marketing and Communication
Service actors’ participation in well-being co-creation: a systematic literature review (A2023-112853)
Mikèle Landry, University of Fribourg; Olivier Furrer, Université de Fribourg
Service Excellence by Inspired Frontline Employees (A2023-114043)
Andreas Hauschke, University of St.Gallen; Thomas Rudolph, University of St. Gallen, Institute of Retail Management; Heiner Evanschitzky, Alliance Manchester Business School The University of Manchester
Shaping Brand Attitudes: Comparing the Effects of Marketing Communication Through Voice Assistants and Chatbots (A2023-113919)
Hannah Kraemer, University of Applied Sciences Mainz; University of Bamberg; Isabelle Hillebrandt, Mainz University of Applied Sciences; Bjoern Ivens, University of Bamberg; Philipp Rauschnabel, Digital Marketing and Media Innovation
Sharing Is Caring? The Effect of Negative Peer-to-Peer Experiences on Loyalty in the Home-Sharing Context (A2023-112595)
Alina Gruener, University of Passau; Lea Postel, University of Passau; Jan Schumann, University of Passau
Sharing the Same Workspace: The Effect of AI Task Deployment on Job Satisfaction (A2023-113993)
Kshitij Bhoumik, University of Leeds; Reika Igarashi, Edinburgh Napier University
Shopping with More Convenience but Less Social Presence: How the Service Relationship Shapes the Effect of In-Store Technologies (A2023-114029)
Anastasia Nanni, Aalto Business School; Andrea Ordanini, Bocconi University
Should brands be like humans? An exploratory study of anthropomorphic digital robots from Brazilian brands (A2023-114014)
Fernanda Mariano Mateus da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo; Guilherme Shiraishi, Universidade de São Paulo; Marcelo de Rezende, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais
Should I call or come by? How communication modes affect employee learning about the customer (A2023-114483)
Anne Cordts, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); Martin Klarmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); Johannes Habel, University of Houston
Small change, big effect? The importance of just in time information and message framing in promoting the uptake of eco-routes (A2023-114378)
Jochen Eckert, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences; Tino Müller, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences; Franziska Johanna Schechner, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences; Tatjana Steusloff, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
Social (Ir)Responsibility of Artificial Intelligence? Consumer Perceptions of AI-Induced Errors and Implications for Society (A2023-114272)
Alexander Mueller, University of Mannheim; Sabine Kuester, University of Mannheim; Sergej von Janda, Kaiser X Labs
Sounds of Emotion. Eliciting Positive, Negative or Mixed Emotional Impulses with Experimental Stimuli Based on Controlled Musical Composition (A2023-113436)
Jana-Verena Gerhart, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz; Oliver Emrich, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Sources of competitive advantage of retailers in metaverse (A2023-114489)
Roberto Bruni, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio; Annarita Colamatteo, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio; Dusan Mladenovic, Masaryk University
Sources of exit: Airbnb consumers’ perspectives (A2023-114431)
Esra Aslan, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Speed down, fresh up: how food motion speed in advertising videos influences freshness perception (A2023-114531)
Kathy LIU, the Hong Kong PolyTechnic University; Lu MENG, the Hong Kong PolyTechnic University; Yijie WANG, the Hong Kong PolyTechnic University; Sining KOU, Renmin University of China
Sponsored campaign ethicality: the role of brand transparency and influencer motivations (A2023-114523)
Sponsorship-linked Marketing: The impact on consumers’ engagement with sponsors’ social media (A2023-114034)
Konstantinos Koronios, University of Peloponnese; Lazaros Ntasis, Univeristy of Peloponnese; Panagiotis Dimitropoulos, University of Peloponnese - Sport Management Department; Maria Tsironi, University of Peloponnese
Sports consumer behaviour: Identifying specific segments of recreational cyclists (A2023-114221)
Eva Bundsag, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Sports consumer’s attitude regarding brands using sports as a marketing platform (A2023-113258)
Mihaela Constantinescu, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Andreea Orindaru, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Stefan Caescu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Florina Botezatu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Adrian Apostol, Advanced Ideas Studio; Marian Bratu, Advanced Ideas Studio
Spreading Roots: How Making Things Yourself Increases Feelings of Groundedness (A2023-114285)
Arnaud Monnier, EDHEC Business school; Isabel Eichinger, University of Vienna WU; Martin Schreier, WU Vienna; Stijn van Osselaer, Cornell University
Stimulating engagement with unboxing videos – Does speech matter? (A2023-114365)
Lisa Hanf, University of Wuppertal; Ina Garnefeld, University of Wuppertal; Eva Böhm, TU Dortmund University; Sabrina Helm, University of Arizona
Stock Mispricing and Myopic Marketing Management (A2023-114274)
Andrew Zylstra, ISC Paris
Strategic management of sponsor portfolios - A case study of Norwegian sponsors of sport (A2023-114405)
Chris Horbel, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences; Tuva Johannessen, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences; Anna-Maria Strittmatter, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
Structuring mechanisms in consumers’ responses to augmented reality-based technologies in retailing. (A2023-114185)
Aniket Sengupta, Rajagiri Business School; LANLAN CAO, NEOMA BUSINESS SCHOOL; Uma Jaidev, Woxsen University
Stylometry-based analysis of real estate listings (A2023-114329)
József Hubert, Corvinus University of Budapest; András Bauer, Corvinus University of Budapest
Subscription Business Models in Business-to-Business Markets: A Typology and a Framework for Growth (A2023-114019)
Christian Kowalkowski, Linköping University; Wolfgang Ulaga, INSEAD
Sustainability and Consumers’ Willingness To Pay: Does Country-Of-Origin Matter? (A2023-112767)
Maria Montanari, University of Vienna; Michela Matarazzo, Marconi University; Adamantios Diamantopoulos , University of Vienna
Sustainability Challenges in Service Ecosystems: Habitual Waste in Healthcare (A2023-113977)
Philippa Hunter-Jones, University of Liverpool; Lynn Sudbury-Riley, University of Liverpool; Ahmed Al-Abdin, University of Liverpool; Chloe Spence, University of Liverpool
Sustainability in fast fashion: transparency in take-back programs (A2023-113444)
Yubo Wang, Monash University; Dewi Tojib, Monash University; Junzhao Ma, Monash University; Yelena Tsarenko, Monash University
Sustainable Consumption Decisions in Dilemma Situations: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Moral Judgment in Consumption (A2023-114320)
Anna-Lena Sager, Kiel University (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel), Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Business Administration, Department of Marketing; Sebastian Müller, Center for Life Ethics, Uni Bonn; Nils Hoffmann, Kiel University; Stefan Hoffmann, Kiel University; Ludger Heidbrink, Kiel University
Sustainable Consumption During Hedonic Event Experiences: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda. (A2023-114093)
Francisco Tigre Moura, IU University of Applied Sciences; Cansu Hattula, IU International University
Taking Stock of Omnichannel Retail Experience: Thematic Review and Research Agenda (A2023-114471)
Alina Both, Department of Management / Aarhus University / Aarhus BSS; Sascha Steinmann, Aarhus University, Department of Management
Taste of Moral – Influence of Moral Values on Taste Expectations (A2023-114244)
Regina Harms, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Stefan Diehbach, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Nadine Gier, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Technological Disruption in Fashion Industry: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis (A2023-114176)
Francesca Bonetti, University of the Arts London, London College of Fashion; Gerard Tellis, University of Southern California; Sajeev Nair, The University of Kansas School of Business
Text vs. Speech Analysis – Detecting Sentiment of Customer Calls (A2023-114205)
Manuel Weber, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Christian Schlereth, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
The affective aspects of the relationship with the store brand: for an integration of store's attributes (A2023-112745)
Léa Pecjak, ESC AMIENS; Sophie Changeur, IAE AMIENS; Farah El Khatib, IAE AMIENS
The antecedents and consequences of panic buying: the role of self-regulation as a brake mechanism in reducing fear of missing out (A2023-114078)
Tatiana Anisimova, Linnaeus University; Soniya Billore, School of Business and Economics, Department of Marketing, Linnaeus University
The Best has no Reason to Imitate – The Effect of Packaging Imitation by Established Brands (A2023-113959)
Martin Ohlwein, International School of Management; Pascal Bruno, International School of Management; Julia Häuser, International School of Management
The Big Dishonesty: Consumers are more Dishonest Toward Large Businesses than Small Businesses (A2023-114256)
Jareef Martuza, Norwegian School of Economics; Hallgeir Sjåstad, Norwegian School of Economics & SNF (Center for Applied Research at NHH); Helge Thorbjørnsen, Norwegian School of Economics & SNF (Center for Applied Research at NHH)
The case of proactive work, genuine interest, and engagement of a French financial services group with its employees and customers towards CSR (A2023-114481)
Meriem EL BOUHALI, L'École Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales Appliquées; Daria Kovalevskaya, NTNU University
The Cold Start Problem in Algorithm-based CRM: Kickstarting Network Effects by Overcoming Replacement Threats (A2023-114160)
Arnd Vomberg, University of Mannheim; Sascha Alavi, University of Bochum; Alexandru Oproiescu, University of Bochum
The Contingent Effects of Digital and Sustainability Orientation in the Context of Strategic Industry Settings (A2023-114439)
Kevin Rocker, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Nicolas Zacharias, Friedrich Schiller University Jena; Nikolai Jäger, MQ Hotels Management GmbH
The Cost of Prestige – an application of the regression discontinuity design to understand status-driven consumption (A2023-112415)
Junzhao Ma, Monash University; Man Lai Yau, Hyatt Hotels Corporation; Satheesh Seenivasan, Senior Lecturer/Monash University; Jiemiao Chen, Monash University
The dark and bright side of online reviews in manufacturer online shops (A2023-114266)
Katharina Kessing, University of Wuppertal; Ina Garnefeld, University of Wuppertal; Eva Böhm, TU Dortmund University
The Dynamics of Product Consideration and Purchase at Retail Checkout (A2023-114550)
Yoonju Han, College of Business, Lehigh University
The effect of creative job titles on perceived value in business services (A2023-114021)
Dorian Florea, CENTRUM Graduate Business School, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru; María Elena Raquel Nieto-Saucedo, Anáhuac University Mexico; Claudiu-Cătălin Munteanu, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
The effect of embarrassment on prosocial consumption (A2023-114047)
Vaishali Sangwan, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow; Moutusy Maity, University of Southampton; Sanjeev Tripathi, Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India; Anirban Chakraborty, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow
The Effect of Gender Stereotypes in Voice Commerce (A2023-113949)
Lea Sollfrank, Goethe University Frankfurt; Ju-Young Kim, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
The Effect of Motivation Towards Environmental Protection on Menstrual Hygiene: A Study on Reusable and Disposable Methods (A2023-114052)
Alice Zalaf, FGV-EAESP; Mariana Mendes, FGV-EAESP; Carlos Lourenco, Fundacao Getulio Vargas
The effect of price communication on price unfairness perceptions (A2023-114406)
Anders Mathias Mamen, Kristiania University College
The Effect of Stereotype Threats on Price Perceptions (A2023-112759)
Lei Song, Penn State Abington; Rajneesh Suri, Drexel University; Yanliu Huang, Drexel University
The Effect of Warmth and Competence on Consumer Outcomes: A Meta-Analytical Investigation (A2023-114066)
Anne-Maree O'Rourke, University of Queensland; Alex Belli, The University of Adelaide; Mansur Khamitov, Indiana University; Georgios Halkias, Copenhagen Business School
The Effectiveness of Sustainable Marketing Messages: Trading Off Sustainability and Conventional Product Attributes (A2023-114311)
Lukas Schnabl, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Beatrice Martin, RWTH Aachen; Christina Reh, Hochschule Luzern; Christian Schlereth, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Anna-Karina Schmitz, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
The Effects of B2B Sustainable Brand Positioning on Relationship Outcomes (A2023-112831)
Riza Casidy, Macquarie University; David Lie, Monash University
The Effects of Consumers’ Social Judgement on Online Trust (A2023-114142)
Aijing Song, Yunnan Normal University
The embarrassment gap – difference in percpetions when disclosing embarrassing information (A2023-114177)
Meikel Soliman, Leuphana University Lüneburg; David Loschelder, Leuphana University Lüneburg
The impact of anxiety and design skill on the perceived value of customising gifts for oneself and others and the effect of complexity (A2023-113976)
celine stiris, university of kingston; Francesca Dall'Olmo Riley, University of Kingston; Jaywant SINGH, University of Southampton
The Impact of Consent Management in Influencing Intention to Use Anthropomorphized Chatbot (A2023-114300)
Robin Robin, Oxford Brookes University; Maheshan De Silva Kanakaratne, Oxford Brookes University; Cammy Crolic, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Digital Lifestyle in China (A2023-113915)
Jayson Jia, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong; Jianmin Jia, Shenzhen Finance Institute, School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China; Yuan Yun, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
The Impact of Environmental Context on Mobile Consumer Investment Decisions (A2023-114303)
Pauline Engel, LMU Munich School of Management; Chen Pundak, NYU; Martin Spann, LMU Munich School of Managment; Peter Pal Zubcsek, Tel Aviv University
The Impact of Generation Y & Z and Gender on Brand Engagement Toward Masstige Categories (A2023-113960)
Jean Boisvert, American University of Sharjah; George Christodoulides, American University of Sharjah; Mohammed Khan, American University of Sharjah
The impact of innovation credit on purchase decisions (A2023-114440)
Matteo Fina, Goethe University Frankfurt; Lisa Zaeuner, Goethe University Frankfurt
The impact of labeled food choices on the relation between food attitudes and food behavior in 6-to 9-year-old children (A2023-114191)
David Skala, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business; Ruzica Brecic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business; Dario Cvenček, University of Washington/ Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences; Luca Panzone, Newcastle University, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences; Matthew Gorton, Newcastle University Business School
The Impact of Package Label’s Design Preference on Consumer’s Attention and Purchase Intention (A2023-114006)
Kristian Pentus, University of Tartu; Anne-Mai Niit, University of Tartu; Andres Kuusik, University of Tartu; Liudmyla Dorokhova, University of Tartu; BRENT MCKENZIE, University of Guelph, Lang School of Business and Economics
The impact of product portfolio decisions on reducing inequality: evidence from Bangladesh (A2023-114497)
Farhan Ashik, University of Sydney; Jarrod Vassallo, University of Sydney; Sourindra Banerjee, University of Leeds; Ranjit Voola, University of Sydney
The Impact of Social Closeness and Complaint-Reaction-Time on Word-of-Mouth (A2023-114353)
Clemens Hutzinger, Seeburg Castle University, Department of Management; Zofia Hartl, Seeburg Castle University; Wolfgang Weitzl, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
The influence of chatbot disclosure on customer reuse intention: The mediating role of social presence (A2023-114302)
Sebastian Düppre, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern; Stefan Roth, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
The Influence of Firm Network Entitativity on Consumers’ Trust Perception and Data Sharing Decisions (A2023-114344)
Alina Gruener, University of Passau; Philipp Sleziona, University of Passau; Jan Schumann, University of Passau; Thomas Widjaja, Universtity of Passau
The Influence of State Mindfulness and Processing Fluency on Consumer Judgments (A2023-112721)
Svenja Winkler, Goethe University Frankfurt
Thomas Sender, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; Jean-François Lemoine, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
The influence of the quantity of mistakes in online reviews on the reactions of internet users (A2023-112667)
Egwen Kervizic, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Jean-François Lemoine, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
The Interplay of Influencer Status and Intimacy in Generating Sales: Evidence from Secondary Data and Three Field Experiments (A2023-114046)
Maximilian Beichert, University of Mannheim; Andreas Bayerl, University Mannheim; Jacob Goldenberg, Reichman University; Andreas Lanz, University of Basel
The long & short of it: a warmth-based account of the impact of brand name length on brand equity (A2023-113912)
Ammara Mahmood, Wilfrid Laurier University; Jonathan Luffarelli, Montpellier Business School; mudra mukesh, sussex business school
The Market Intelligence and Open Innovation interface: a case in the automotive industry (A2023-114134)
Alessandro Comai, International University of Japan; Marcel Bogers, University of Copenhagen
The missing piece: Is mental availability the key to unlocking health and fitness tracking apps’ stickiness? (A2023-114120)
Rachel Fuller, La Trobe University; Lara Stocchi, University of South Australia
The mobile game attributes: An initial empirical study with decision tree and regression on revenue (A2023-114521)
Daniel Nunes, University of São Paulo; Guilherme Shiraishi, Universidade de São Paulo; Daniel Bergmann, Universidade de São Paulo; Andres Veloso, University of Sao Paulo
The moderating effect of ESG on the relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth (A2023-114159)
Jiyun Yang, Seoul National University; Jaebeom Suh, Kansas State University
The moderating role of goal orientation on the effect of viewability on ad effectiveness (A2023-114338)
Isin Acun, University of Vienna Economics and Business; Nadia Abou Nabout, WU Vienna; Klaus Miller, HEC Paris
The moral dimension in sustainable luxury consumption (A2023-114555)
George Balabanis, City University of London; Anastasia Stathopoulou, International University of Monaco; Xiaolan Chen, City, University of London
The opportunity in product recalls: The impact of recall compliance on brand satisfaction (A2023-113105)
Jan von Schlieben-Troschke, Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin); Sascha Raithel, Freie Universität Berlin
The Persuasive Design of AI-synthesized Voices (A2023-113984)
Hannah Chang, Singapore Management University; Anirban Mukherjee, Cornell University
The power of green! How luxury hotels’ sustainability communication affects online reviews (A2023-114319)
Katharina A. Schuck, IQS School of Management, University Ramon LLull; Belén Derqui, IQS Universitat Ramon Llull; Didier Grimaldi, La Salle Faculty, Ramon Llull University
The Power of Sensory Language in Influencer Marketing (A2023-114416)
Giovanni Luca Cascio Rizzo, PhD Student/LUISS Guido Carli University; Jonah Berger, University of Pennsylvania; Matteo De Angelis, Luiss University; Rumen Ivaylov Pozharliev, Assistant Professor/LUISS Guido Carli University
The Predictive Influence of a Climate Score Label on Real Purchase Behavior at the POS (A2023-114037)
Jessica Mazurek, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management; Florian Skwara, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Mangement; Stephanie Neidlinger, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
The Price of Corporate Social (Ir)Responsibility: Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Domestic vs. Foreign Brands and the Role of Consumer Dispositions (A2023-113656)
Ilona Szőcs, University of Vienna; Maria Montanari, University of Vienna; Felipe Zambaldi, Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP)
The price of sustainability: Understanding sustainable consumption (A2023-114144)
Elisa Dorothee Adam, IU International University; Lisa-Charlotte Wolter, IUBH Internationale Hochschule
The relationship between consumer perfectionism and luxury brand purchase intention (A2023-114305)
Pedro Silva, University of Coimbra, CeBER, Faculty of Economics; Cristela Bairrada, University of Coimbra, CeBER, Faculty of Economics; Filipe Coelho, University of Coimbra, CeBER, Faculty of Economics; Carlos Sousa, Molde University College
Maximilian Niederberger-Kern, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Maximilian Frieß, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; Manfred Schwaiger, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
The Role of Sustainability for the Acceptance of Last-Mile Delivery Methods: Do Consumers Really Care? (A2023-114443)
Patrick Klein, Saarland University, Department of Business Administration, in particular Retail Management; Laurin Krempel, Saarland University; Bastian Popp, Saarland University
The role of sustainable brands in brand portfolios: how “lighthouse brands” contribute to the sustainability transformation (A2023-114290)
Florian Platzek, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Anna-Karina Schmitz, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
The Social Amplification of Risk and Heuristics in German tourists travelling to Israel (A2023-114232)
Vassiliki Grougiou, University of Macedonia; Ilias Kapoutsis, Athens University of Economics and Business; Leonidas Hatzithomas, University of Macedonia
The social effects of ethical issues in the media on the egoistic value Self-Presentation and ethical consumer boycotting behaviour. (A2023-114016)
Joshua Jalloul, University of Westminster; Li-Wei Mai, University of Westminster
The Source of Magic: Focal Attention Drives the Direction and Content of Contagion (A2023-112587)
Wenxia Guo, Acadia University; Thomas Kramer, University of California, Riverside
The specificities of word-of-mouth creation through events (A2023-114470)
Olivier KOVARSKI, EM NORMANDIE; Julian Hofmann, EM Normandie Business School
The Sustainable Development Goals in the Social Economy (A2023-113870)
Vitor Manuel Duarte, Universidade Beira Interior; André Gonçalves, NECE - Research Centre for Business Sciences, Universidade da Beira Interior, 6200-209 Covilhã, Portugal; Arminda Paço, University of Beira Interior; Paulo Duarte, Universidade da Beira Interior; Helena Alves, NECE - Research Centre for Business Sciences, Universidade da Beira Interior, 6200-209 Covilhã, Portugal; Ricardo Rodrigues, NECE - Research Centre for Business Sciences, Universidade da Beira Interior, 6200-209 Covilhã, Portugal
The True Costs of Food: Effects of Informing Consumers About External Environmental Costs (A2023-114407)
Sören Christiansen, University of Hamburg; Karen Gedenk, University of Hamburg
The Undesirable Effects of Proactive Customer Service Delivery (A2023-114280)
Stefanie Sohn, University of Southern Denmark; Oliver Schnittka, University of Southern Denmark
The Value of Cross-Functional Presence in Assessing Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Capabilities (A2023-112771)
Jan Stentoft, University of Southern Denmark; Ole Mikkelsen, University of Southern Denmark
The Value of Intellectual Capital for Business-To-Business Selling (A2023-114543)
Franziska Schmid, Oregon State University; J. Andrew Petersen, Pennsylvania State University; Rajkumar Venkatesan, University of Virginia
The Value of Professional Ties in B2B Markets (A2023-112322)
Navid Mojir, Harvard Business School; Sriya Anbil, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Jonathan D'hondt, Ghent University; Barbara Briers, University of Antwerp
The Who, How, What, Where, When and Why of Local Food Value: A Systematic Review (A2023-114369)
Marilyne Chicoine, ESG UQAM; Francine Rodier, ESG UQAM; Fabien Durif, University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)
The “Emperor’s New Clothes” Effect: Consumers’ First-Order versus Second-Order Valuations of Aesthetic Minimalism by High-Status Brands (A2023-112371)
Sona Klucarova, University of Nebraska at Omaha; Niek Althuizen, Montpellier Business School
Third-Person Perception of Fake News: Is it Consequential for Brands? (A2023-114375)
Ipek Nibat Cayrol, Grenoble Ecole de Management & USMB IREGE; Robert Mai, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Olivier Trendel, Grenoble Ecole de Management
Third-Place Engagement: Brand-image and Customer Patronage Behaviour in Café settings (A2023-112331)
Sohel Ahmed, Teesside University; Ding Ting, Universiti Teknogi Petronas; Taimur Sharif, Newman University
Three Paths to an Equitable Human-Wildlife Relationship (A2023-114055)
Marta Pizzetti, emLyon Business School; diletta acuti, University of Portsmouth; Claudia Cozzio, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Giampaolo Viglia, University of Portsmouth
Time Matters – The Role of Future Orientation in Consumer Judgment of Brand Heritage: A Stereotype Content Model Perspective (A2023-113956)
Caroline Meyer, A&F Marketing – Consumer Psychology, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel; Ulrich Orth, Professor & Chair of A&F Marketing – Consumer Psychology, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
To be seen when you are a customer is not always good: An examination of customer visibility in the service encounter and consumer resistance (A2023-113645)
Mattias Hjelm, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden; Magnus Söderlund, Stockholm School of Economics
To Donate or Not to Donate: Dealing with Unsold Luxury Products (A2023-114116)
Ismail Erzurumlu, NEOMA BS ; Burak GOKGUR, Sabanci University
To Err is Human: Understanding customers' ambivalence towards chatbots (A2023-114500)
Xiaoxia Cao, Royal Holloway, University of London; Nisreen Ameen, LONDON UNIVERSITY / ROYAL HOLLOWAY; Chris Hackley, Royal Holloway, University of London
To link or not to link - Which type of retailer brand should use a linked PL branding strategy? (A2023-113026)
Franziska Frese, markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology, University of Bremen; Michael Schade, University of Bremen; Christopher Kanitz, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Business and Management, Study Programme Global Sales and Marketing; Christoph Burmann, University of Bremen; Eike Abraham, University of Bremen
Trait affect and online shopping cart abandonment: A mediated model (A2023-112443)
Cristela Bairrada, University of Coimbra, CeBER, Faculty of Economics; Nuno Fortes, Polytechnic of Coimbra, ESTGOH; Pedro Silva, University of Coimbra, CeBER, Faculty of Economics; Filipe Coelho, University of Coimbra, CeBER, Faculty of Economics
Transforming Online Complaints into Positive Word-of-Mouth with Webcare (A2023-113979)
Iris Siret, Université Lyon 2; William SABADIE, iaelyon School of Management; Wolfgang Weitzl, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Trend Following: How Content Prototypicality Drives Liking on TikTok (A2023-114114)
Marc Bravin, University of Lucerne; Melanie Clegg, Vienna University of Economics and Business; Reto Hofstetter, University of Lucerne; Marc Pouly, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Jonah Berger, University of Pennsylvania
Uncovering the Competitive Advantage of Corporate Brand Equity in E-Commerce (A2023-114007)
Benjamin Klink, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Understanding consumers’ ethical orientation in consumption choices – An application to meat products (A2023-114339)
Anne Peschel, Aarhus University; George Tsalis, Assistant Professor - Aarhus University; Klaus Grunert, Aarhus University, MAPP Centre, Department of Management; Kristina Thomsen, Aarhus University
Understanding Norms in Subcategory Retrieval Cue Associations (A2023-113951)
Alicia Barker, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute; Steven Dunn, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute; Kirsten Victory, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute; Magda Nenycz-Thiel, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
Understanding the attitude-behaviour gap in sustainable consumption – A systematic literature review (A2023-114102)
Katharina Göring-Lensing-Hebben, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Anna-Karina Schmitz, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Martin Fassnacht, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Understanding the role of (dual) entitlement effects on industrial customers’ willingness-to-pay for ancillary services (A2023-112955)
Markus Husemann-Kopetzky, Freie Universität Berlin; Andreas Eggert, Freie Universität Berlin; Wolfgang Ulaga, INSEAD; Michael Steiner, University of Witten/Herdecke
Understanding travelers’ willingness to accept and purchase Artificial Intelligent travel applications using Value- based Adoption theory (A2023-114429)
Dimitra Skandali, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Vagia Mochla, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Adamantia Kechagia, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Lamprini Piha, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; George Tsourvakas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Unlocking consumers' responsibilities – A corporate perspective on enhancing sustainable consumer behaviour (A2023-114112)
Anna-Karina Schmitz, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Katharina Göring-Lensing-Hebben, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Martin Fassnacht, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Unlocking Shelf Performance Potential in Stationary Retail Using Artificial Intelligence: Learning from Digital Shelf Twin Data (A2023-114472)
Luisa Roggenkämper, Justus Liebig University Giessen; Sven Feurer, Bern University of Applied Sciences; Monika Schuhmacher, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
Unveiling the ambivalent effect of remote selling on sales performance (A2023-114001)
David Ergun, Ruhr-University Bochum; Christian Schmitz, University of Bochum
Roberto Mora Cortez, Southern Denmark University; Ayan Ghosh Dastidar, Clark University
Users’ preferences towards autonomous vehicles after actual test ride (A2023-114022)
Tamás Ujházi, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Using Eye-Movement Recording to Examine Price Comparisons (A2023-114455)
Marc Vanhuele, HEC Paris; Gilles Laurent, ESSEC Business School; Madhav Arora, ESSEC Business School
Using gestural interaction technologies to provide a richer and more immersive consumer experience: triangulation of self-reported scales and electroencephalographic data (A2023-114422)
Quentin Sellier, UCLouvain; Ingrid Poncin, Université catholique de Louvain; Jean Vanderdonckt, UCLouvain
Using In-Store Analytics to Bridge the Purchase Intention and Behavior Gap at the Point of Sale (A2023-114235)
Anna Ulrichshofer, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt; Michael Jungbluth, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt; Christian Schlereth, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Using visual cues in user-generated video content to explain viewer engagement (A2023-114085)
Lina Oechsner, ESSEC Business School; Raoul Kübler, ESSEC Business School
Variation makes the difference: Investigating the effectiveness of different customer types for co-creation in new product development (A2023-114524)
Slawka Jordanow, Saarland University; Sven Heidenreich, Saarland University
Virtual reality and charitable giving — the role of space, presence, and attention (A2023-112663)
Ilia Gugenishvili, Åbo Akademi University; ANNA-GRETA NYSTRÖM, ABO AKADEMI UNIVERSITY
Voice app (Google Action and Alexa Skill) : the influence of the assistant's voice on users (A2023-112488)
Nicolas KUSZ, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Jean-François Lemoine, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Warm Glow Fades Away: How Temporal Focus Affects Ethical Consumption Choices (A2023-114446)
yuqi guo, Tilburg University; Ceren Sahin, Tilburg University; Robert Smith, Tilburg University; Anna Paley, Tilburg University
We are all in this Together! Evolution of the Brand-related Sentiment in Times of Global Crisis (A2023-114348)
Yuliya Kolomoyets, Modul University Vienna; Daniel Dan, Modul University Vienna
Wear your pants out and be happy! - Sustainable anti-consumption of clothing and consumer subjective well-being (A2023-114495)
Essi Vesterinen, The university of Vaasa; Harri Luomala, University of Vaasa, School of Marketing and Communication; Michael LEe, The university of Auckland
What attracts consumers to purchase cross-border at Chinese e-retailers? Highlighting the differences between generations. (A2023-114223)
Sjoukje Goldman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Hester van Herk, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Tibert Verhagen, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
What Drives and Conditions Second-Hand Luxury Fashion Shopping (A2023-112751)
giuseppe musarra, University of Leeds; Karen T. Bowen, University of Leeds; Christina Papadopoulou, University of Leeds
What Drives German City Centers’ Attractiveness? On the Role of Product Categories, Specialization, and Intercity Competition (A2023-114226)
Vincent Weidenbörner, University of Cologne; Julian Wichmann, University of Cologne; Thomas Scholdra, University of Cologne; Werner Reinartz, University of Cologne
What is the consumer’s process to reduce meat consumption? The journey of flexitarians analysed through the Life Course Pardigm Theory (A2023-113324)
Caroline Pereira, University of São Paulo; Kavita Hamza, University of Sao Paulo; Gabriela Nobre Dias, University of São Paulo; Aline Ribeiro Gomes, University of São Paulo
What makes consumers loyal to fashion recommendation systems that combine artificial intelligence and human expertise? (A2023-114218)
Agardi Irma, Corvinus University of Budapest; Dalma Peller, Corvinus University of Budapest
What Makes NFTs Valuable to Consumers? Perceived Value Drivers Associated with NFTs Liking, Buying, and Holding (A2023-113538)
Tuba Yilmaz, BI Norwegian; Carlos Velasco, BI Norwegian Business School; Sofie Sagfossen, STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS
What service firms can do to mitigate (unintended) unfairness in service encounters (A2023-114070)
Karin Teichmann, University of Innsbruck; Ursula Scholl-Grissemann, UMIT TIROL Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Division for Management in Health and Sport Tourism; Nicola E. Stokburger-Sauer, Innsbruck, School of Management
What’s your excuse? Cognitive dissonance and justifications for non-sustainable behaviour (A2023-114412)
Sarah Seyr, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Ingo Gächter, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Seraina Mohr, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Dominik Georgi, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Guang Lu, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
When Does a Brand-Influencer Matching AI Backfire? (A2023-114127)
Jessie Liu, Johns Hopkins University; Yi Liu, University of Wisconsin–Madison
When Does Brand Buzz Safeguard Firm Value? The Role of Brand Buzz Dispersion for Brand Equity and Risk (A2023-114079)
Welf Weiger, Alfaisal University; Stefan Fischer, University of Goettingen; Anatoli Colicev, University of Liverpool Management School; Maik Hammerschmidt, University of Goettingen
When fact-checking backfires: The roles of the endorser’s credibility and the recipient’s predispositions towards the issue on fake news’ correction effectiveness in social media (A2023-114242)
Ambre Gambin, University of Montpellier (MRM); Andreas Munzel, Toulouse 1 Capitole University (TSM Research)
When Haters gather in a virtual community… Netnography of a french community called « Les Râleurs en ColRER E » (A2023-114028)
Virginie RODRIGUEZ, Université d'Orléans - VALLOREM; Pierre BUFFAZ, Université Panthéon Assas (Paris 2) - LARGEPA
When Humans Collaborate with AI: Issues of Accountability and Scapegoating (A2023-114544)
Tripat Gill, Wilfrid Laurier University; Ammara Mahmood, Wilfrid Laurier University; Chatura Ranaweera, Wilfrid Laurier University; Ali Anwar, Wilfrid Laurier University
When Less is More: Understanding Consumers’ Reaction to Minimalist Appeals (A2023-112775)
(Joyce) Jingshi Liu, Bayes Business School, City, University of London; Wei-fen Chen, University of Leicester, School of Business
When Red Bull Gives Wings To Sleepy Consumers: How Sleepiness Moderates the Impact of Brand Exposure Effects (A2023-113586)
Sebastian Sadowski, Radboud University Nijmegen; Yannick Joye, ISM: University of Management and Economics; Bob Fennis, University of Groningen
When self-perceived effort leads to perseverance: A new perspective on the design of incentives promoting pro-environmental behavior (A2023-114237)
Linda Lemarié, Audencia; Bruno Lanz, University of Neuchâtel; Valéry Bezençon, University of Neuchâtel
When, how and for whom evaluative labels and consumption baskets increase savings (A2023-113104)
Jenna Barrett, Maastricht University; Lisa Bruggen, Maastricht University; Peiran Jiao, Maastricht University; Thomas Post, Maastricht University
Who are you losing when going dark: An examination of household purchases when brands stop advertising (A2023-114149)
Peilin Phua, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science ; Giang Trinh, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute University of South Australia; Nicole Hartnett, University of South Australia; Virginia Beal, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University of South Australia; Rachel Kennedy, University of South Australia
Who cares? The role of communication strategy and individual characteristics in the public acceptability of a waste management reform (A2023-112355)
Lesman Ghazaryan, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Corinne Faure, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Joachim Schleich, Grenoble Ecole de Management; Mia Birau, EM Lyon business school
Who enjoys going to the bargaining table? - An empirical analysis of bargaining costs in automotive transactions (A2023-114296)
Julian Feldhaeuser, University of Tuebingen; Dominik Papies, University of Tübingen; Mario Farsky, The Boston Consulting Group
Who's Buying NFTs in the Metaverse and Why? Identifying Influencing Factors and Segmenting Potential Buyers using Principal Component Analysis and K-means Clustering (A2023-114091)
Michael Hollaus, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg; Markus Dráb, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Campus Wieselburg
Why am I seeing this? The Impact of Information-Use Transparency on the Effectiveness of Personalized Advertising (A2023-113950)
Johanna Verenkotte, LMU Munich School of Managment; Martin Spann, LMU Munich School of Managment
Why are Complaints from Some Consumers Taken More Seriously than Those from Others? Gender Discrimination in Service Recovery Response: The Role of Employees' Age (A2023-114493)
Natalia Rogova, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt; Shashi Matta, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
Why aren’t they listening to us? Exploring Marketing literature’s (lack of) presence in the most influential summary of Climate Change Science. (A2023-114479)
Iain Black, University of Strathclyde; Arunima Malik, University of Sydney; Camille Mora, University of Sydney
Why Do People Interact and Buy in the Metaverse? Self-Expansion and Cross-Cultural Perspectives (A2023-114067)
Byoungho Jin, North Carolina State University; Suhyoung Ahn, North Carolina State University; Hyesim Seo, North Carolina State University
Why Do You Like the Post? An Explanatory Approach of Micro, Macro and Mega Influencers’ User Engagement Statistics (A2023-114477)
Anna Sophie Hollstein, Markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology, University of Bremen; Franziska Frese, markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology, University of Bremen; Tanja Fink, Markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology, University of Bremen; Michael Schade, University of Bremen; Christoph Burmann, University of Bremen
Debora Casoli, University of Bologna; Annamaria Tuan, University of Bologna; Marco Visentin, University of Bologna; Giuseppe Cappiello, Università di Bologna
Women in Control? Political Ideology Shapes Consumers' Responses to Sexualized Advertising (A2023-114534)
Mario Pandelaere, Virginia Tech; Gwarlann De Kerviler, IESEG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT LEM-CNRS (UMR 9221); Shilpa Madan, Virginia Tech
Worth it? An analysis of user digital engagement from sponsored versus non-sponsored influencers' videos (A2023-114137)
Eliane Francisco-Maffezzolli, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba Campus (PUCPR); Ana Cristina Munaro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná PUCPR; João Pedro Santos Rodrigues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR); Maria Tosin, PUCPR
Zero-Sum Beliefs in Autonomy Influence Consumer Perception and Use of Autonomous Products (A2023-114281)
Jonas Goergen, University of St. Gallen; Gergely Nyilasy, University of Melbourne; Emanuel de Bellis, University of St.Gallen
‘Please, Just Make Service Faster’: When Human-likeness in Chatbots Backfires (A2023-113944)
Lennart Seitz, Leuphana University Lueneburg; Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Leuphana University Lueneburg
“Let The Driver Off The Hook?” Moral Decisions Of Autonomous Cars And Their Impact On Consumers Well-Being (A2023-114414)
Marc Kuhn, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart; Maximilian Schwing, TSM Research-UMR 5303 CNRS, University of Toulouse 1 Capitole; Vanessa Reit, Cooperative State University Baden-Württemberg (DHBW Stuttgart); Sarah Selinka, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart; Yuliia Pashchenko, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart
“Sign me!”: The influence of online petitions design on signing behaviour (A2023-114370)
Anne Carminati, Université Paris Dauphine; Béatrice Parguel, CNRS - Université Paris-Dauphine PSL; Elisa Monnot, CY Cergy Paris Université Laboratoire ThEMA
“Will High Expectations Backfire?”—The Role of Innate Optimism, Disconfirmation, and Affective Reactions when Resolving Mystery Promotions (A2023-114255)
Isabel-Sophie Lazarovici, University of Passau; Florian Brodschelm, University of Passau; Sebastian Schubach, University of Passau; Jan Schumann, University of Passau; Verena Hüttl-Maack, University of Hohenheim