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EMAC 2021 Regional Conference

The influence of the economic context upon purchasing behavior of young consumers: the case of financial services

Published: September 22, 2021


SAMY MANSOURI, Université d'Orléans, Vallorem EA6296


economic context; purchasing behavior; consumer emotions


Several studies have found that the economic situation influences consumer purchasing behavior. However, few researches have focused on the associated psychological process involving consumer emotions. We therefore ask the question: how does the economic context influence the purchasing behavior of consumers, and more specifically that of young people? We conduct a cross-subjects experiment on a sample of financial services consumers. Our results show that the economic context (contraction/expansion) influences consumers' emotions and then their specific choices of financial services. Our results contribute on the theoretical level by proposing a better explanation of purchasing behavior and also on the managerial level by proposing to professionals new commercial strategies depending on the economic context.